Author: Stanley Bolten
We Are Change has mysteriously removed and scrubbed from it’s archives, the article entitled: “WRC EXCLUSIVE: Alternative Media Writer Brian D. Hill Setup On Child Pornography Possession: | We Are Change” reported by Aaron Kesel. We will be contacting We Are Change to find out why. It’s still available at the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive) but if you try to access the live link now, it goes to a 404 not found page. Have they totally scrubbed and deleted the article and betrayed Brian D. Hill, the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News??? Why???? Luke Rudkowski was almost framed with child porn and this is how he treats Brian Hill by removing the article about him being framed???
Brian has the real proof he was framed with child porn. It was in the damn discovery papers which were destroyed by the corrupt U.S. Attorney while under Ripley Rand who was appointed by BARACK OBAMA. The State Bureau of Investigation report was destroyed and Brian was given no constitutional right to his own criminal case discovery evidence materials despite being prosecuted by those very same materials. If Brian was guilty then why the cover ups???? Huh Luke Rudkowski??? Why did you change your mind into somehow thinking Brian was guilty or maybe there is some other reason you gone and censored the article from your own news website???
Here is the archives of the documents collected and was posted at We Are Change:
Why would Luke Rudkowski do this??? Watch his video where he was horrified when he was almost framed with child pornography. He was freaking horrified in 2013, one year after Brian was set up but Brian never went public at that time, and he yet Luke was kind enough in 2016 to have Aaron Kesel write an article about the frame up of Brian Hill. Brian had the evidence he was set up, he can prove it, but now the article has been censored, scrubbed, removed, destroyed without a reason as to why.
This was what the article used to look like according to Wayback Machine:

And was now converted into a 404 not found page:

The article was removed sometime after the last archive on the date of May 15, 2023. So right after that point, some point after that date was when the article was scrubbed from
We have been under more and more attacks coming at us. Attacks coming at us from the Deep State and attacks from folks who we thought we our comrades. That is why I recommend that you watch the documentary: The DEEP STATE can Frame You – the Documentary – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
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