Author: Stanley Bolten
YouTube has gone full communist along with the social credit score system. RED ALERT!!! We have received notification that a very small political YouTube channel known as TruthRider with only three uploads (previously verified by mobile number, now that is not good enough) has had their account limited without explanation as to why, with YouTube demanding uploading of Government issued Identification (passport, State ID, drivers license) and that it match the Date of Birth of the account creator. This is an early warning of what Google and YouTube are beta testing to be placed on everybody. In the future, if you wish to have a not-limited YouTube channel, or maybe even be allowed to have a YouTube channel period, you may be required to upload (front and back) a photocopy of your Government issued ID card or drivers license (similar thing as State ID), tying your personal name, tying your photo, tying your personal address, tying your phone number, tying your eye color, tying your Google browsing habits, tying your emails (both sent and received), and tying your YouTube searches and viewing history to your personal Government issued Identification from the DMV or passport office. This is now being rolled out, and will eventually have a Google policy requiring Government issued identification to be uploaded to Google in order to be allowed to have a YouTube channel, and may eventually be required for using email services or using Google services, period. How interesting that they are pulling this stunt close to the time where the United Nations wants a global DIGITAL ID PASSPORT (Internet ID, tied to your online accounts) tied to your bank account. YouTube does whatever the United Nations wishes. The UN says mandate government ID uploads to be involved with the internet community, and YouTube will implement it without protest.
People keep arguing (especially any democrats/liberals/anybody being pro censorship) that YouTube is a private company and can do whatever they want despite articles going as far back as a decade or longer which all speak of Google working with the U.S. Pentagon and the CIA, which is FASCISM of merging state and corporate power). Links proving this at the bottom of the article. There may be more news articles about Google and the CIA/NSA that we are not aware of at this time. However, they are not a private company when they work with DARPA.MIL which is a U.S. Military intelligence agency run by the U.S. Pentagon, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI (like with Twitter), and the DOJ. It is ironic that now they demand Government Identification from YouTube channel operators and content creators. They creep’ed this in as this may be the only blog covering this news worthy story at this time. Hopefully other members of the online press will raise hell over this predicament.

Here is the email with certain personal information redacted, the proofs: Truth-Rider-limited_Redacted.pdf
TruthRider didn’t do anything recently which violated the YouTube rules. That is truth and can be proven. The last YouTube upload on this channel was 2 years ago. So the last upload to that specific channel was not recently but was a long time ago, 2 years ago. So now YouTube is targeting older accounts and channel veterans by demanding Government ID cards being uploaded to outsourced Tech Support foreigners (most like India or some other third world country) to review over and store in a GOVERNMENT DATABASE (Darpa,mil, NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ). Now they can tie your YouTube channel (by claiming you may recently be not following their rules) to your Government issued ID Card tied to your date of birth, your home address, your face, and any records stored at the Department of Motor Vehicles which may include any handicap information and proof of residency. They can then tie your Government issued ID with your home address and face photograph to your browsing history, your video viewing history, your upload history, your email activities using GMAIL, your Google Photos on your Android phone, and any other Google service involved with your YouTube account.
Here is the proof that the channel did not recently violate the YouTube rules as the last upload was years ago. 2 Years ago is not recent. They are now lying in order to demand and extort your most sensitive personal information such as your home address, your photo taken by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) a government agency which can include REAL ID, your eye color, your hair color, and any other personal information. This goes even far beyond the requirement of adult websites keeping drivers licenses and state ids to simply access them and view the content. First it was the porn sites being demanded to store government IDs of those who view any porn, and now it has finally reached YouTube. The Government ID upload verification requirement will eventually reach all social media networking websites shortly if people do not protest this. YouTube demanding Government ID to be tied to your search history, your browsing history, and YouTube uploads tied to your home address. So the Federal Government will be able to have an accurate file on YOU and tie it to your State issued Identification or passport issued Identification. Used to be YouTube usually demanded only verification of cell phone numbers, but now they have gone totally COMMUNIST.

The undeniable proof. Here it is. Screenshot from Wayback Machine, proof that cannot be erased, yet) No activity on this channel recently which indicates their bogus claim that the rules are not being followed. They lied. They demand the Government ID because that is their next step in Google/YouTube being fully COMMUNIST where the U.S. Government will have your browsing and search history tied to your YouTube channel and your Government issued ID with your home address, eye color, hair color, and date of birth. Isn’t that nice!!! Nice and easy for the CIA, NSA, FBI, and DOJ to store potential blackmail or embarrassing information on every individual. It ain’t just porn sites anymore demanding storage of Government IDs (to use for purposes of potential blackmail and embarrassing people), now it is YOUTUBE. It will be social networking websites demanding Government ID uploads or you can’t have a social networking account. That means, they ban you once, you will never be allowed to come back, ever. They can end your online presence permanently with the touch of a button, with the flip of a switch. They can kill your character in an instant and ban you from your exercise of freedom of speech and freedom of press.
Hardly anybody is complaining about this. So this is likely being rolled out to targeted individuals under targeted harassment by the Deep State willing to sink it’s claws into people for purposes of blackmail, set ups/frame ups, information harvesting and verifying the identity of who the information is harvested from.
See Reddit: YouTube now wants a video of your face or your ID to verify your channel. : r/privacy
See Reddit: YouTube prompting me to send me my ID to verify my age : r/privacy (the real reason isn’t about age verification but about storing your PERSONAL GOVERNMENT ISSUED ID to your browsing habits and search habits, and YouTube video viewing habits. They can put you on a target list and likely send some white Government van or Government SUV (unmarked) to abduct you or kill you or rendition you.
See Article: Show valid govt ID to access mature content on YouTube, Google Play
See Reddit: “Why is YouTube asking for my ID or Credit Card” Mega Thread : r/youtube
See Reddit: The new wave of official ID verification requirement has reached me. YouTube is officially dead. Pro-tip: you are not legally required to give a real ID for them. They are not an official government source and they have no binding contract with you. : r/youtube
See Reddit: Strange YouTube verification update. Your thoughts? : r/youtubers

We have exclusive articles about YouTube’s FASCIST behavior, because fascism is the merger of state (Federal Government, State Government, Local Government, any of it) and corporate power. They are targeting the truth and calling it rule violations. The Deep State or any enemies of Roberta Hill’s political/spiritual/religious content had even hacked TheStarChild2009 after YouTube giving her account one strike after another for “medical misinformation” over personal experiences with RHOGAM and Brian’s issues with childhood vaccinations:
Article 1. TheStarChild2009 had been hacked on YouTube, YouTube takes the side of the hackers who stole her account and punished Roberta (channel owner) for being hacked; 13 years worth of videos DELETED, 11,000 subscribers terminated; YouTube complicit in hacking crimes, INDICT YOUTUBE/ for being complicit in hacking
Article 2. YouTube ramps up SHADOW BANNING and DISAPPEARING of 30K+ YouTube viewers of Brian D. Hill was tortured video; proof of FEDS conducting torture video may end up disappearing
Article 3. YouTube censors three documentaries on USWGO Channel, LIES/falsely-accuses us of producing “Content that glorifies or incites acts of violence”, so we are being accused or promoting violence on YouTube
Article 4. YouTube permanently censors FEDERAL PORN WARS 3-part series documentary (Frame ups, Judicial Corruption, Blackmail) over YouTube claiming that they had exhibited “harmful conspiracy theories”
Article 5. YouTube attacks an already censored documentary with almost-criminal allegations that Brian D. Hill had engaged in threatening and harassment of an “individual” with his documentary about Jeffrey Epstein blackmail scheme which affects judges and politicians
Google is tied at the hip with the U.S. Government. See more articles about this:
– From DARPA to Google: How the Military Kickstarted AV Development | (Why is the U.S. military involved with regular civilian high tech stuff like electric cars??? Why are the U.S. Government involved with Google and YouTube??? Thought they could claim they were just a private company???)
– Google hires DARPA Director Regina Dugan – CNET (2012 article)
– How the CIA made Google. Inside the secret network behind mass… | by Nafeez Ahmed | INSURGE intelligence | Medium
– Google Wants to Work With the Pentagon Again, Despite Employee Concerns – The New York Times
– Declassified documents reveal CIA has been sweeping up information on Americans | CIA | The Guardian
– Social Media Is a Tool of the CIA. Seriously – CBS News
Private company my ASS, pardon the french. Google/YouTube demanding Government IDs to give them, the CIA/NSA/DOJ/FBI the verification they need to come to people’s private homes to kidnap them, rendition them, harvest their organs in the future, to secretly arrest people for freedom of speech and freedom of press. YouTube has gone FULL COMMUNIST. Google is fascist when merged with state and corporate power. They are not a private company once they work with any agency of the U.S. Government or any government around the world. This is fascism, not a private company. Time for the games to end. Elon Musk exposed this: Twitter files: Tech giant was in ‘constant and pervasive’ contact with FBI | Washington Examiner