Author: Stanley Bolten
Surprisingly the sentencing letter favorable to journalist Owen Shroyer (of Infowars) which had disappeared for a few months not being filed or mentioned on docket, attempted to be re-filed due to suspected cover up, was DENIED on November 2, 2023 (PDF Document from PACER.GOV) for leave to file by U.S. District Court Judge Timothy J. Kelly (a RINO judge who was President Trump appointed, sadly!). His reasoning was that: “The public has no right to file documents on criminal docket“. That itself contradicts two other federal judges within the U.S. District Court in Washington, DC (District of Criminals) who had approved the sentencing letters from pro se filer Brian D. Hill and other sentencing letter filers not a party to the cases, Brian was formerly of USWGO Alternative News, because they were under penalty of perjury or went into detail establishing the relation to the criminal defendant or that the witness had personal knowledge of a criminal defendant in the case or cases. This RINO judge may be more corrupt and tyrannical than the democrat appointed federal judges in Washington, DC. The two other federal judges who approved leave to file Brian’s sentencing letter affidavits were both democrat federal judges who worked against the criminal defendants in those cases. So biased and partial democrat judges approve Brian’s sentencing letters in both the Stewart Rhodes (Oath Keepers) case while Joe Biden is President and in the Roger Stone case while Donald Trump was still president. Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson who had a vendetta against Donald Trump and Roger Stone, even she had surprisingly approved Brian’s sentencing letter and other sentencing letters (noted in the article paragraphs below) favorable to Roger J. Stone. Federal Judge Amit Priyavadan Mehta who was appointed by Barack Obama has approved the sentencing letter (Judge even said: ““Let This be Filed” by Judge Amit P. Mehta on 5/10/2023.” from Brian Hill even though Stewart Rhodes had also been a J6 defendant as much as Owen Shroyer had. Yet for some reason, this particular RINO (Republican In Name Only) judge is working against Owen Shroyer 10,000% percent or more. That judge is likely a FreeMason (Active Masonic lodges are all over America!!) since he ensured Owen’s imprisonment on Friday the 13th which symbolizes the historical assassination of the Knights Templars. Owen is being treated worse than a serial rapist (Danny Masterson, sentencing letters were approved by the judge in that man’s rape case) or a child molester with such disregard for his First Amendment right of the U.S. Constitution. Even a convicted serial rapist was allowed to have sentencing letters filed with the judge by members of the public favorable to the serial rapist Danny Masterson including a letter from Ashton Kutcher, a celebrity.

1. dkt_-1699058330.pdf – Docket entry of judge denying sentencing letter. Also available at for those who don’t have a PACER.GOV account.
3. 2-Declaration in support of sentencing for Owen Shroyer(6).pdf – Sentencing letter PDF File
4. 1-LETTER TO CLERK REGARDING COVER UP(3).pdf – Letter to Clerk of the Court on the cover up/concealment or error of sentencing letter disappearing without a decision from the judge. (MAILED TO COURT). NOTE: The judge may have responded to the arguments made in the letter to the Clerk regarding the cover up of the sentencing letter where Brian tried to file the same sentencing letter, twice.
It is clear that the DisHonorable federal judge Timothy J. Kelly is treating Owen Shroyer worse than a serial rapist Danny Masterson where he is allowed to have sentencing letters filed with the judge in Masterson’s rape case, however, the federal judge has no understanding about those who want to write truthful sentencing letters where they actually witnessed the factual behavior or good behavior or both concerning the very defendant those sentencing letters are referring to.

It wasn’t just Brian’s sentencing letter which the judge approved for filing in the Roger Stone case, even the letters from Itzhak Bak, Randy Credico, Kathleen M. Coleman, Alan Jacobs (read the letter and it appears that one isn’t favorable to Roger Stone but still approved for filing), Philip S. Norton (may or may not be favorable to Roger Stone, as it sounds a little confusing), Michael R. Caputo all favorable to Roger Stone for sentencing (even though those people are not named defendants in that case) was filed by a democrat federal judge. So Timothy Kelly is definitely a RINO for a fact. He doesn’t care about the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution, doesn’t care about due process of law, the constitutional right to be heard. He would throw journalists in solitary confinement without losing a bit of sleep over it. Randy Credico and the rest who filed sentencing letters approved by the judge was not a party to the Roger Stone case, yet all of their sentencing letters were granted leave to file. Yet for Brian’s witness letter where he factually said under penalty of perjury that he is aware that Owen Shroyer is a professional journalist or news reporter and is a good person, then provides proof of his involvement with Owen Shroyer. Yet the judge denies this sentencing letter from Brian Hill even with the proof being provided to the judge.
Timothy Kelly is clearly corrupt and is out to get Owen Shroyer.
In fact Owen Shroyer was repeatedly thrown in the solitary confinement also known by the Federal Bureau of Prisons (F-BOP) as the Special Housing Unit (SHU). SHU is a fancy word for solitary confinement where inmates cannot freely get a shower until certain periods which may include never (under covid-19 restrictions), the maximum security jail cell of a federal prison regardless of the security level. Some SHU facilities may have a shower inside of the cell depending on the facility.
Owen Shroyer is housed at is a low security compound, yet he is put in maximum security at the low security federal prison compound. Read the X-posts/tweets from the official Owen Shroyer Twitter/X account run by somebody he knows who operates that account for him until Owen Shroyer is allowed to use the internet again once he is released from prison.

Also it was documented that a book from a publishing company known as Amazon/KDP Kindle Direct Publishing was rejected by the FCI Oakdale I federal prison without comment or reason (the emails were never answered by the BOP) why despite the fact that policy was being followed by Brian’s family member concerning a book at a publishing company such as Amazon/KDP. Inmates are allowed paperback books as long as it is shipped directly from the publisher or book club or book store. That appears to be another situation which is strange where the prison outright rejects a book from the publisher without even reviewing over the book or anything. Owen keeps facing solitary confinement while books being shipped to him directly from the book publishing corporation or company are being blocked by the federal prison because it was for “Jonathon Owen Shroyer”. See the article: TO @OwenShroyer1776 @allidoisowen Amazon/KDP book from publisher blocked from reaching J6 defendant Owen Shroyer at FCI Oakdale Federal Prison despite BOP policies allowing paperback books directly from publisher (KDP/Amazon) – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
In fact I know some inside baseball (because of Brian’s witness statements and his family, and other federal prisoners who have gone public talk about how they operate) of the federal prisons and how they operate. When a federal prisoner is thrown in the SHU by some order or decree by a prison official in a document served with the inmate, they are ordered to go directly to the SHU without any personal property while the current prison guard on duty at the unit of the prison starts removing their property from their prison cell (usually in a metal locker or property container of some kind) and throws it in a military-style (big) duffel bag to be stored in the inmate’s property in some storage room run by the prison. Usually many prison guards are military veterans aka ex-military because of their skills on hand-to-hand combat for any unruly inmates. Once an inmate is allowed to leave the SHU to go back into general population, the inmate is given the duffel bag with their property property of that inmate to carry back into the housing unit, into a cell or bed that the inmate is assigned by the Unit Manager or any other authorized prison official. Also the inmate is strip searched before being placed in the SHU to prevent authorized general population items (authorized in general population but not authorized in the SHU) from being taken by the inmate to the assigned SHU cell. In general population, the inmate eats everyday at the CHOW HALL three times a day which this “chow hall” is a cafeteria usually run by trustworthy inmates (trustees working under UNICOR) with prison guards supervising the inmates getting paid less than a dollar an hour of labor. When an inmate is housed in the SHU, the meals are delivered in trays and drinks are provided usually in Styrofoam cups. Once the guards start collecting the trays after giving a reasonable time for an inmate to eat what was in the meal tray, they have to collect both the tray and any silverware and if they notice any are missing then they will conduct a shakedown of the cell to find what is missing from the meal trays. They keep track of everything, including every outfit, every blanket, everything. The COMMISSARY in the SHU is more restricted and less items can be purchased by the inmate while the general population is given a regular commissary sheet. Normally regular general pop inmates go to a special building or special area where the commissary orders are provided to the inmates who bring net bags to throw the commissary items in after the orders are fulfilled by the prison staff. Normally every inmate has an ID Card similar to the drivers licenses and state ID cards. The SHU prisoners are given a restricted commissary sheet. Normally they always allow purchases of legal items such as mailing envelops, stamps, and flex-pens (regular pens for general population depending on the prison and what they allow in each commissary as every prison operates differently) to safeguard the inmate’s right to write legal letters to the U.S. District Courts and Government officials as well as filing any grievances and inmate requests to staff. Well, it used to be their rights. We may not have constitutional rights anymore because of the corrupt federal prisons and corrupt federal judges. Also I am aware that once an inmate is thrown in the SHU for some alleged violation of BOP policy or some reason, the inmate is normally given a kangaroo court informal hearing in front of some detention official who visits the SHU where the inmates can explain the circumstances and provide or suggest any witnesses in his/her favor before the prison official conducts the verdict which would be the final decision on the alleged violation. Normally it is a disciplinary action. The punishment can be anywhere from solitary confinement at the SHU to restrictions on visitation, restrictions on inmate phone calls (excluding the right to request attorney phone calls), and restrictions on commissary or even restrictions on anything else including Inmate Recreation. Every federal prison has a investigative team or investigative office with investigative/intelligence officers/agents similar to that of the Federal Bureau of Investigation known as the SIS, the Special Investigative Service. They are very secretive of how they conduct their operations in the federal prison but inmates are aware of SIS and certain online webpages do document the SIS process somewhat. See Every federal inmate has a very secretive classified file/record known as “THE CENTRAL FILE” where every interaction with any prison official, any inmate message, any paperwork, or anything filed by the inmate or any report on any inmate activity may be stored in the central file of each and every inmate. It is secretive and not easy to access the central file even through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). I don’t want to go into many many details to bore you but you now get how it works. Any federal prisoner would usually tell you the same thing no matter who you talk to. Depends on what facility the inmate is housed at as each facility works differently.
Owen Shroyer may likely be confined to the SHU for the rest of his 60-day sentence there since his sentence is relatively low compared to most federal inmates.
7 thoughts on “Positive Sentencing Letter for J6 Defendant Owen Shroyer was DENIED months after being timely filed, not covered up anymore. Other Fed. Judges granted filing of sentencing letters incl. J6 defendant Stewart Rhodes as well as Roger Stone”