This is an ongoing journalist-type investigation. However information is coming within the Jarrin Jackson Telegram group, on Telegram chat systems. Many patriots are using Telegram including Attorney Lin Wood, Alex Jones, Pete Santilli, and many others. This person alleged that she was added as an admin to a “child porn” group. With hundreds to thousands of images of “child porn” as she had allegedly claimed. This matter is being investigated, watch for any further articles over this matter. Jarrin Jackson is a popular christian military vet. Doesn’t hide the fact on his Telegram (referring to Jarrin) that he knew or knows Attorney L. Lin Wood. Child pornography aka sexual abuse images are being used as a WEAPON right now and has been used since 2013 because of the Deep State and their blackmail operations. Child porn is a WEAPON which communists, pedophile ring scumbags, or any soulless dirty trickster will use to destroy their political enemies, their political targets, have them permanently stigmatized, and ruined forever causing either suicides, imprisonment, probation, Sex Offender Registration, and a life of HELL. It is the perfect weapon to ruin somebody. That is why the dirty corrupt Deep State Feds keep using child porn because it is effective when they prosecute people over simple possession which is easy to fabricate. All they need is to plant one photograph of a naked child abuse photo and that is it, charged with possession can happen, easily fabricated by the prosecution. It is coming and patriots need to take precautions if they haven’t already.
Tag: frame up operation
8Kun/8Chan mysteriously shuts down, their website cannot be accessed at this time, may be permanent; May be the purge and mop-up of QAnon content
Received word from a user, that 8Chan which had became 8Kun, it’s web server have been down and not operational without explanation as of yet. The Gab user said “Be advised. The board is down. QResearch is under attack.” and it could have been by DDoS attacks as was common with USWGO ALternative News, prior to Brian being framed with child porn his website at received traffic spikes which Brian assumed his web host didn’t like the traffic spikes and used that to suspend his website and demand more money, but later on Brian figured out that it was DDoS attacks that were meant to look like traffic spikes to his website. So QResearch was likely taken down by DDoS hacker attacks. 8Kun which was 8Chan was a chan board website where the infamous QAnon postings have been done for years while President Donald Trump was in office from 2017 to the end of his first term in January, 2021. 8Kun was where information/intelligence drops (some with code words and code language) by the so-called QAnon using the same tripcode and sometimes posts come in which may have been another tripcode but were also examined by the researchers and Anons who followed the political movement of QAnon. QAnon is not the name of the real group, but was a name or nickname that described such group, as Q level is a security clearance in the Intelligence services of the United States Military, and the “Anons” were there online to interact with the Q poster on there and each QAnon post with the letter “Q” was considered a Q Drop. That is pretty much what I believe describes this political movement, based on that. If I am slightly off on that, please advise via comments. Worldwide was QAnon supported, from Japan to Europe to Africa, so many people worldwide had followed QAnon and there were hundreds to thousands upon thousands of QAnon supporting tweets, this I had personally witnessed, even QAnon-Army QArmy Japan twitter accounts. Can’t show any of that to you because they were all purged from Twitter after the January 6, 2021 incident. May still be found via Wayback Machine somewhere.
Brian D. Hill of USWGO news WARNING: Corrupt Feds will Frame Up Patriots and Activists to ASSASSINATE CHARACTERS
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News had made a audio statement on July 13, 2021, warning all Patriots and Activists of what the Feds can start doing to them. He warns they got control of the FBI, DOJ, and they can start framing more patriots and activists with child pornography if the Swamp isn’t drained and the pedophiles aren’t removed from Government offices of the United States of America. We need to drain the swamp and soon. We need to stop the Drag Queen story times. We need to stop the pedophiles in High Offices of Power because they have the child porn, they diddle the kids, and they will diddle us all with child porn frame ups and have us raped in prisons. They are out of control and must be ARRESTED and Military Tribunal Nuremberg trials.
The Truth From Ruth: Episode 5; WARNING from Stanley Bolten to the World Wide Web
A video about the different child porn set up attempts, also mentions about Brian D. Hill. This was done to Melissa Melton, Millie Weaver, and many others. It happened to Luke Rudkowski, it happened to many others. If Patriots don’t start defending the fallen victims, we will all be next. Even I can be next.
Ali Alexander and his supporter attacks Millie Weaver releasing child porn set up email, insinuating that it could be false; said it’s fake
Ali Alexander and his supporter Ashley has gone on Twitter insinuating that Millie Weaver was releasing a fake email, referring to the attempted frame up of Millie Weaver with child pornography using a tormail type service. Then he further tweeted that he seems to believe that it is a fake email.
Connecticut Supreme Court rules against Alex Jones who had been set up with child porn, ranting about it; Can QAnon be framed now?
by Laurie Azgard The Connecticut Supreme Court had made a recent statewide case law decision against Alex Emeric Jones of [backup pdf mirrored] and anybody else who received child pornography set up emails, who in 2019 had been attacked by the legal system for being framed with child pornography emails coming from an anonymous…
Alex Jones receiving a child pornography set up attempt, reported to the FBI?
Stanley Bolten, This is the day I have feared for the worst of all to happen to good patriots and alternative media. The child pornography set up attacks continue while Brian sits wrongfully convicted and ignored by the FBI. Now somebody or maybe even a group of people, has sent child pornography to Alex Jones,…