See articles: (1) We are being hit with constant hacker attacks, threat email, and out of the blue debit card declines. The Deep State is escalating the targeting campaign of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News including his family and friends; (2) Tucker Carlson/Monkey Werx seems to be acknowledging that U.S. Intel agencies…
Tag: set up
Yet another CIA officer admits that the Feds can set people up with crimes and throw anybody they want in jail
Author: Stanley Bolten Sound Investigations has revealed a former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Agent/employee Gavin O’Blennis who became a contracting officer for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) admitted that: “You can kind of put anyone in jail if you know what to do.” Journalist says: “How?” and this CIA officer says: “You set ’em…
Tucker Carlson/Monkey Werx seems to be acknowledging that U.S. Intel agencies can plant/upload KIDDIE PORN on people’s COMPUTERS/CELL PHONES; likely to set up and BLACKMAIL/compromise individuals
URGENT: It is clear at this point and our position on this is clear. The CIA and NSA are our enemy. DHS is our enemy. The U.S. Intel agencies are our enemy. They are an enemy of the American people. The U.S. Intel agencies are orchestrating a coup d’état (coup) against the U.S. Constitution and…
Proof that Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News once was part of FederalJack (FedJack) who was founded by Sean Justus/Popeye
Author: Stanley Bolten Here are the photos proving that Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News had once belonged to not just his own alternative media, but also written for (Internet Archive of main FJ website) which was also an alternative media website/organization who was created by Popeye also named Sean Justus who…
The DEEP STATE can Frame You – the Documentary
Directed by Brian D. Hill, released by Family. Note 10/19/2023 1 AM: Here was a clip not in the documentary but should have been in that film. Here is a clip of U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer saying: “You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”…
Age Of Mythology Corruption Remix Voiced By Brian D. Hill
Age Of Mythology Corruption Remix Voiced By Brian D. Hill OST Music from the documentary: The DEEP STATE can Frame You – the Documentary Download files such as .wav, .flac or even .mp3: Original music from: Lyrics:CIA IS CORRUPTPOLICE ARE CORRUPTCONGRESS IS CORRUPTCOURTS ARE CORRUPTMAINSTREAM MEDIA IS CORRUPTDISTRICT ATTORNEYS…THEY’RE CORRUPT CORPORATIONS ARE CORRUPTJUDGES…
Jack Posobiec and Alex Jones talk briefly about Child Porn Set Ups, blackmail, brownstone operations
Alex Jones and Jack Posobiec had an interview on Sunday, October 23, 2022. They spoke about the new digital brownstone operations which is digital child porn file planting operations. File planting by both emails, possibly text messages (anything where images can be sent or received) and computer hacking like for example: Win32/MoliVampire.A. This blog has been covering this since 2018. We Are Change and ActivistPost covered this. See the portion of the interview uploaded on YouTube, Brighteon, and Internet Archive.
OPINION: Possibly the “POLITICAL HACKERS SQUAD” framed Alex Jones with child porn to destroy and deny anti-SLAPP motion in Sandy Hook lawsuit, evidence they framed Brian D. Hill into wrongful criminal conviction, same group of proclaimed perpetrators
NOTE: If we can prove the POLITICAL HACKERS SQUAD framed both Alex Jones and Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News with child porn, we want the 1 Millions Dollars. Brian D. Hill wants that reward for the misery and torment, and suicidal thoughts that the POLITICAL HACKERS SQUAD done to him. The corrupt FBI…
Child Porn Set Up Operation against Alex Jones was the WEAPON to default Alex Jones and take away anti-SLAPP legal defense of Infowars, bar them from dismissing the lawsuit
Attorney Norm Pattis made a good point yesterday during the EMERGENCY TRANSMISSION of The Alex Jones Show, of Infowars, about the whole child pornography set up operation attempt which was used to enrage Alex Jones into saying things out of anger and emotion on The Alex Jones Show on June 14, 2019. Out of his emotional and angry remarks, they dubbed him a “threat to the administration of justice” in the CORRUPT Supreme Court of Connecticut. See article: Connecticut Supreme Court rules against Alex Jones who had been set up with child porn, ranting about it. Then used the child pornography set up attempt and Alex Jones’s emotional remarks to bar him from being allowed to be granted a motion to dismiss a defamation lawsuit on the basis that Alex Jones made statements which were protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, also known as the anti-SLAPP law. Essentially, child pornography was used as a WEAPON to prevent Alex Jones from dismissing the lawsuit against him by anti-SLAPP law. From our analysis and Attorney Norm Pattis’s remarks, it gives us the indication that child porn was partially at fault and the angry emotional remarks by Alex Jones in response to the child porn set up attempt which was live on his radio show broadcast was used as the main cause of barring him from succeeding on a anti-SLAPP motion to dismiss. Because of that issue alone, Alex Jones was not given a fair trial under Due Process of Law, was told he will have to pay $1 BILLION of U.S. Dollars in damages, and that the intent of the verdict was to shut down Infowars and turn it into a Woke media organization. See the archive of the video to protect it from being disappeared at a later time. The intent of the elite was to shut down Alex Jones for the rest of his life where he may likely kill himself as his only way out. YES, CHILD PORN IS A WEAPON, AND PEOPLE CONTINUE TRYING TO BAN OUR ARTICLES AND BAN ME FROM MANY POLITICAL GROUPS. Even got banned from sending emails from Protonmail. They don’t want to believe that child porn is a weapon used by the communists to shut down their political opposition. They can plant this filth on any of us at any time, and call the police on people to where they find the child porn which was planted with the intent of assassinating the characters of political opponents.
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News is making this peaceful CALL TO ACTION on October 4/5, 2022, on stopping the United States of America from framing any more patriots, alternative news-people, and activists with child pornography. The Federal Government must stop framing/setting people up with child porn. Brian wants everyone to tell their stories, blow the whistle, and stop the Communist Obama Administration from framing any more American patriots with child porn. CHILD PORN IS A WEAPON, A VIOLENT WEAPON OF WAR. Child Porn is a weapon by the communists to plant on anybody they want.