Author: Stanley Bolten.
Learn the truth about how life truly is when your under attack not just by enemies but by your own allies and friends attack you. You truly learn what being a patriot is all about.
When you fight the New World Order, you fight alone. That is the #truth. When you fight a war for Alex Jones, you fight alone. When you fight for anybody, you fight alone. You get imprisoned alone, you lose your reputation and your all alone. You will find out who your real friends are. You will find out who are your fair weathered friends. They stick with you when your successful, when you fail they block you, ignore you, deny they ever knew you, turn their backs on you. #truth
Stanley Bolten – Truth Social
Everybody can call me a troll if they want and ignore this quote. It is my quote. I speak from experience. I know that the real Information War is as brutal as fighting in the wild without a shotgun, with wild animals coming to attack you when your weak. I have experienced betrayal, attacks from both sides. I cannot erase what I had experienced. It is not pleasant. It is the way life is, the way things are. Life is dirty and full of betrayal.
Stanley Bolten – Truth Social