Author: Stanley Bolten
In the U.S. Supreme Court new filings were being mailed, Brian D. Hill who was the founder of USWGO Alternative News before he was wrongfully set up and politically persecuted, had finally taken a political jab at both the U.S. Attorney Office and at Chief Justice John Roberts. Both in two “EMERGENCY MOTIONS” which he was filing on Friday by mail and hopefully will be filed and docketed next week. Brian is asking for the U.S. Solicitor General to be compelled to file a response to his Petition for a Writ of Certiorari in one motion. In regards to the other motion, he is asking for Chief Justice John Roberts to recuse himself once again by the justices voting for his recusal, citing Attorney L. Lin Wood’s claims of a blackmail scheme of child rape and murder. Brian is getting serious as he had previously filed an Emergency Application with the very same allegations and brought up Justice Robert’s real or persecuted conflicts of interest. This is as he shouldn’t personally have an interest in the outcome of the case he is presiding over, as that violates federal law. Brian’s final appeal at the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) is asking for a Special Master to investigate the Lin Wood’s claims over this blackmail scheme, to have his “source or sources” to be compelled by this appointed Special Master to review over the alleged blackmail materials to determine if two obviously corrupt federal judges are in any of the alleged blackmail videos materials alleged by Attorney Lin Wood. Of course Brian is accusing the following judges of possibly being blackmail: first Brian had accused Chief Judge Thomas David Schroeder and second Brian had accused is former Chief Judge William Lindsey Osteen Junior of the Middle District of North Carolina. That request for a Special Master and motion to reconsider were both denied as U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe L. Webster (Durham, North Carolina) declared the blackmail scheme allegations of Attorney L. Lin Wood were “delusional” and “frivolous”. He ignored the credibility of attorney Lin Wood and belittled him as just some “attorney from Georgia” that Brian used to argue what that judge asserts is his “delusional blackmail theory”. This attorney from Georgia had his photo taken with former U.S. President Donald John Trump, and has a over 40-year-career as a lawyer, as to this “attorney from Georgia” simply talking about some blackmail scheme of child rape and murder concerning politicians and judges. He is obligated by Georgia Bar Rule 7.1 to tell the truth and not misrepresent the material facts or he risks losing his license to practice law. Brian argued that the rule makes him credible in his claims or he risks being disbarred and sanctioned for possibly false statements if untrue. Why would Lin Wood risk his career of over 40 years of law-work to talk about something heinous like children being raped and murdered for usage as blackmail???

The corrupt U.S. Solicitor General is pulling the usual dirty magic trick of filing a “WAIVER” of right to file a response “unless requested to do so by the Court.” It is the later words in that sentence of this filing which hints around that the U.S. DOJ is not waiving response in favor of a Petitioner as if they may actually acknowledge that the petition opposing the U.S. Government in a litigation has any merit in their own opinion. They are attempting to persuade the nine justices to dismiss the case as they have done so in the past six Certiorari and Mandamus cases, all denied and dismissed after the “waiver” was filed by the U.S. Solicitor General. This “waiver” means the case is marked BY THE DEEP STATE SWAMP CRITTERS for dismissal and to-be denied under the Rule-of-four where Certiorari can be granted if at least four justices concur that the case should be picked for a SCOTUS decision or even as far as creating new case law authority which can affect not just one federal case. However many other federal cases can be affected by this single decision by SCOTUS, whatever decision is made. The feds do not want this case to escalate to a full Certiorari review case and a Merits Briefing period. They want it DISMISSED, GONE. They were unable to block this from the Supreme Court by using the clerks to block the filing. So now they are conducting their usual “MARK FOR DEATH!” on a petition as we dub it. The feds want this petition case to be killed as soon as possible Brian is not allowing that to happen which was why he had filed two Emergency Motions.
We will go into some details about what was filed and when it may be docketed by the Clerk unless they are to be covered up again, like with Brian’s trio petitions last year including one Mandamus Writ Petition. However refusing to file a pleading or covering it up is usually illegal. See 18 U.S. Code § 2071 – Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally – Archived and can be downloaded for permanent preservation.
Brian has already made multiple phone calls to the Clerk’s office about his filing of the emergency motions, and phone calling different employee phone numbers to create as many potential witnesses as needed to watch the clerks to see that nothing is covered up this time, like what happened last year.
Brian has accused the corrupt U.S. Government of not caring about the “child rape and murder”. Brian brought how hypocritical the U.S. Attorney Office was for prosecuting this “innocent man” who was proven to have been framed with child pornography (due to the download dates in the State Bureau of Investigation forensic report, in North Carolina). Brian said that the U.S. Attorney who claimed to have prosecuted Brian the autistic virgin (incel, celibate) under the “Adam Walsh Act” had decided that they will not investigate or prosecute those who held federal judges and federal politicians at gun-point demanding that they rape and murder a child on video camera with the video recorded for purposes of creating blackmail material of a sexual-nature. Brian accused the U.S. Government of not caring about the children being brutally raped and murdered. This may be involving the whole Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell pedophile ring MOSSAD saga. The hypocrisy is something. Brian did falsely plead guilty to child porn in 2014, but in writing he later acknowledged that he only plead guilty to technical possession (he was forced by circumstances not to fight any further to withdraw his guilty plea as he would lose his SSI disability after over one year of incarceration) but not to intent and not to knowingly possessing, because the Government had the proof he was framed, but the Government or his public pretender argued that Brian was technically in possession (he was even told it didn’t matter if he had bought a used computer and unknowingly the cops can claim CP was found on it) even though somebody else was hacking into his computer as proven by the leaked State Bureau of Investigation evidence. Still, BRIAN WAS SET UP and should not have even been forced to plead guilty to “technical possession of child porn” as Brian is not a pedophile. A mental evaluation did rule out such attempted diagnosis as Brian had alleged in his first 2255 case in 2017-2018. Brian is clearly innocent and was framed, but the feds wanted a criminal conviction at all costs, even if that meant “blackmailing” “Federal Judges”, as Brian had alleged in argument in the emergency motion requesting that they respond. Evidence from Brian’s family reviewing over the discovery evidence had suggested or insinuated that the entire child porn case was a FRAUD to shut up this journalist Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News as part of a politically persecuting retaliation campaign.

Screenshots and quotes are below the file list uploaded by Brian’s family for publication:
– Certificate-of-Compliance-12-2-2022-Emy-Mot2.pdf – Certificate of compliance affidavit (2nd motion)
– Certificate-of-Compliance-12-2-2022-Emy-Mot.pdf – Certificate of compliance affidavit (1st motion)
– Affidavit-of-Service-Emergency-Motions.pdf – Affidavit of Service on U.S. Government (respondents) which includes emails to respondents, read receipts from Attorney L. Lin Wood, read receipts from U.S. Solicitor General and Margaret Reece of the U.S. Attorney Office (Middle District of North Carolina). The read receipt claims Morgan Reece but that was the email as listed on the docket pages of the CM/ECF records.
– 4fbc66a15ee242e9ae29255d9405c837_Redacted.pdf – Redacted mailing label used on the package or envelope with using that mailing label. Redacted to prevent reuse fraud, VOIDED as single use mailing label, already used mailing label but kept as evidence / proof of mailing.
– Standard note to phone call December 2, 2022 on Notification of EMERGENCY MOTIONS(3).pdf – Notes of what to tell deputy clerks or any other Supreme Court employees to make sure they are on notice about emergency motions
– USWGO_20221202_104729(OCR).pdf – Photocopy scans of mailing envelope or package used in mailing emergency motions to Supreme Court
– USWGO_20221202_125023(OCR).pdf – Long-page-size Photocopy scans of U.S. Postal Service mailing receipt, proof of mailing to U.S. Supreme Court and respondents as outlined in Affidavit of Service.
– USWGO_20221202_125218(OCR).pdf – Letter-size Photocopy scans of U.S. Postal Service mailing receipt, proof of mailing to U.S. Supreme Court and respondents as outlined in Affidavit of Service.
Here are the arguments of the emergency motions. WARNING, may be quite a bit of images and quotes. Then that will be the end of this article, just to show what important points were argued.

“When the U.S. Attorney working for the corrupt DOJ claimed they prosecuted Petitioner for being framed with child pornography under a rigged judicial system in the Middle District of North Carolina, they claimed they prosecuted Brian David Hill for child porn to protect the children under the Adam Walsh Act. What a bunch of BS (abbreviated out of respect), what a bunch of baloney when they claimed to have targeted Petitioner for being framed with child pornography under the guise of going after a alleged supposed child pornography file possessor and yet they could care less about rape and murder of children when it involved politicians and federal judges. They care more about winning their prosecutions than they do about the children. They don’t care about the children, the corrupt U.S. Department of InJustice could care less about their children as their prosecutions are nothing but political persecutions masqueraded as criminal prosecutions. What a joke this has become. See“
Quoted from Page 9-10 of PDF file, page 8-9 of numbered document

Here are a few cropped image conversions of the PDF pages showing what was in the other emergency motion. However, it is pretty much around the same arguments and materials as what was filed in the earlier filed EMERGENCY APPLICATION of the case.

Where We Go One We Go All. Please pray for Brian D. Hill, pray for his family. pray for his protection and their protection. It was a DUTY of KING DAVID and even those who follow Jesus Christ to fight the evil pedophile rings and Satanists thousands of years ago. Brian David Hill is like David versus Goliath. Pray for Brian David Hill.
10 thoughts on “In U.S. Supreme Court, Brian D. Hill files EMERGENCY MOTIONS against Corrupt U.S. Solicitor General waiving filing a response, again asking all justices to compel Chief Justice John Roberts to recuse himself for his name mentioned by Attorney L. Lin Wood in alleged blackmail scheme of child rape and murder”