Author: Stanley Bolten
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News refiles the sentencing letter in the Jonathon Owen Shroyer case, a January 6 (J6) defendant. That sentencing letter calling Owen a “professional” news reporter or journalist and was being a “good person”. Brian also mailed additional documents to the Court. See the documents below this paragraph in PDF format including the envelope containing the documents of which was mailed to the courthouse. Brian’s letter to the Clerk is bringing up criminal allegations of cover up or concealment of sentencing letter and brought up that it was either a cover up or error. Brian also said in the letter that it would be difficult to cover up the letter a second time as everything was marked and tracked by USPS tracking number and exact photocopies of what was mailed with numbered sticky notes.
1-LETTER TO CLERK REGARDING COVER UP(3).pdf – Letter to Clerk of the Court on the cover up/concealment or error of sentencing letter disappearing without a decision from the judge. (MAILED TO COURT)
2-Declaration in support of sentencing for Owen Shroyer(6).pdf – Printed and refiled in the second mailing to the U.S. District Court. (MAILED TO COURT)
3-9481737903244999465007.pdf – USPS tracking delivery confirmation for express mail containing original sentencing letter favorable to Owen Shroyer. (MAILED TO COURT)
4. 1-URGENT_ Sentencing letter for Owen Shroyer, please acknowledge receipt.pdf – Proof of email to Defendant’s attorney Norm Pattis. (MAILED TO COURT)
4. 2-Sentencing letter for Jonathan Owen Shroyer.pdf – Proof of email to Plaintiff’s attorneys which would be the U.S. Attorney Assistants. (MAILED TO COURT)
4. 3-Read_ URGENT_ Sentencing letter for Owen Shroyer, please acknowledge receipt.pdf – Read Receipt to email 1-URGENT_ Sentencing letter for Owen Shroyer, please acknowledge receipt.pdf from Attorney Norman (Norm) Pattis. (MAILED TO COURT)
4. 4-Read_ Sentencing letter for Jonathan Owen Shroyer.pdf – Read Receipt to email 2-Sentencing letter for Jonathan Owen Shroyer.pdf from Attorney Norman (Norm) Pattis. (MAILED TO COURT)
5. USWGO_20231002_143742(OCR).pdf – Envelope and what was mailed to U.S. District Court. Photocopy records. Envelope with the certified mail receipt contains the same tracking number as the delivery confirmation.
6. 70223330000056995930.pdf – USPS Delivery Confirmation (electronic return receipt) to Mail Room of U.S. District Court on October 5, 2023.
7.® – USPS Tracking® Results-70223330000056995930.pdf – USPS tracking number page proving mailing was delivered to Mail Room of U.S. District Court on October 5, 2023.
8. USWGO_20231002_224530(OCR).pdf – Photocopy record of certified mail receipt and USPS receipt of mailing.
Here is a picture of Owen Shroyer.

Owen Shroyer faces up to 60 days in incarceration (imprisonment) after being convicted by guilty plea agreement according to The Gateway Pundit.

Here are two photos (pages 1 and 2 out of 4) converted from the originally filed letter to the Clerk, which was received on October 5, 2023.

See articles connected and/or are relevant to this article:
- URGENT/BREAKING: Phone Call recording with Judge’s Clerk proves sentencing letter in Owen Shroyer (Infowars) case was COVERED UP and CONCEALED by chambers #FreeOwen @allidoisowen – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
- Truth Social post: “At this point, with the cover up in the Owen Shroyer case, the sentencing letter is gone, disappeared, likely thrown in File 13. Likely was paper shredded.” #FreeOwen – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
- Public post to Owen Shroyer (Infowars) at Truth Social: I am getting thousands of people to see the sentencing letter affidavit calling you a professional & a good person asking for a reprieve for you. – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
- U.S. District Court still not filing sentencing letter in Owen Shroyer January 6 (J6) criminal case, not responding to Brian D. Hill or his family in inquiring on that timely filed letter #FreeOwen – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
- Donation to news reporter Owen Shroyer of Infowars for the good things he did for Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News #FreeOwen #FreeOwenShroyer – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
- U.S. Attorney deletes emails with J6 defendant Owen Shroyer sentencing letter prepared by Brian D. Hill, formerly USWGO Alt. News as they do not care about J6 defendant Owen being a “professional” journalist and a “good person” – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
- U.S. District Court still has not filed on PACER or made a decision on Owen Shroyer sentencing letter by Brian D. Hill filed by Express Mail and was received on September 11, 2023 (day before sentencing) #FreeOwen @allidoisowen – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
- Brian D. Hill (formerly USWGO Alt. News) writes sentencing letter for J6 defendant Owen Shroyer of Infowars, asks for a reprieve for him at the sentencing hearing, filed with defense attorney Norm Pattis and U.S. Government – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
2 thoughts on “Brian D. Hill refiles/mailed sentencing letter again in Owen Shroyer J6 federal case, asks Clerk to notify Brian if it is approved to be considered as timely filed around September 11, 2023 a day before Sentencing hearing #FreeOwen”