Author: Stanley Bolten
The Deep State doesn’t always win, even if they may blackmail, threaten, bribe, or manipulate puppet judges and politicians into some kind of adverse action or adverse reaction against a targeted individual. The judge Giles Carter Greer of Martinsville Circuit Court had done the right thing this time and dismissed the contempt of court charge against Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. Judge Greer did right, and right is right, and wrong is wrong. The White Hats had prevailed in protecting Brian Hill. It was dismissed on Monday, October 23, 2023, after the special prosecutor and Attorney Fred Smith had filed a joint motion for case dismissal. We do not have a copy of this filed motion at this time. Brian was almost about to become a speech prisoner, just like Owen Shroyer, but Brian was saved.

This blog held off on writing any articles directly talking about the contempt case itself until it’s dismissal to fully explain what it was about. Brian had committed a “free speech” crime, as the Deep State doesn’t tolerate freedom of speech. Look what they did to Owen Shroyer. Article: Bad News! On Friday 13: Judge denies Owen Shroyer’s motion to stay out of PRISON pending the outcome of his direct appeal in January 6 (J6) federal criminal case. Owen’s going to PRISON!!! FREE SPEECH IS ILLEGAL NOW!!!! #FreeOwen – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
Brian was targeted for his freedom of speech when he had been given new evidence from the new Police Chief Rob Fincher of the City of Martinsville. Brian then had proof of Commonwealth Attorney Glen Andrew Hall ignoring and refusing to follow three court orders for discovery evidence materials under Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83, 83 S. Ct. 1194 (1963). These are contempt crimes. Instead of charging Glen Andrew Hall with contempt crimes, they charged Brian Hill with a contempt of court crime for pointing out the obvious issues. So Brian’s crime wasn’t a crime at all because his speech was protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. They were trying to get Brian for his freedom of speech. Brian didn’t disrupt any court proceedings, and never threatened the judge or anybody. Brian’s crime was telling about the local corruption in the judiciary. Proven local corruption such as his defense lawyer joining the prosecution team (which is unethical) and not even writing a letter to recuse himself from any involvement in the prosecution team (Glen Andrew Hall) against Brian Hill. Brian found out some very interesting evidence which shown how faulty the prosecution was in his criminal case. The Deep State had some threatening email claiming responsibility for Brian’s contempt charge threatening to kill witnesses and kill Brian Hill after raping him in prison. See article: Documented possible assassination attempts on Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News??? Are these really attempts on Brian’s life??? Threat emails and text messages indicate a plot or desire to kill Brian Hill! – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News.

Brian said in not-yet-filed affidavit that judge Greer was nice in the courtroom and acted professionally. Well he is supposed to be nice and act professional as a judge of a court, so that is good news. Brian had not yet filed anything in the Court of Appeals of Virginia as of yet. This affidavit had not been filed yet but is available for public consumption. The explanation from a lawyer as to why he was charged with contempt was that Brian personally attacked Judge Greer in his notices of appeal by accusing him of fraud in his court record, which was what started the contempt charge. However, I have access to the thousands of pages of record of the Trial Court, not the sealed pages, but the public records. I noticed Brian did write things against the judge in his earlier notice of appeal filings prior to the recent three notices of appeal but he never faced a contempt charge over those. Yeah, a lawyer will argue that Brian did write criticism or personal attacks on the judge in his notices of appeal (1), (2), and (3). However, in past notices of appeal I did see comments mentioning the very same judge but yet never got charged with contempt. Only after evidence had surfaced this year which Brian started filing the new evidence in the Circuit Court like a beaver chopping wood of the New World Order tree, and that evidence shown corruption within the judiciary. He started proving that his former Public Defender Scott Albrecht who failed Brian’s criminal trial in General District Court now works for Glen Andrew Hall, the Commonwealth’s Attorney, which Brian felt was unethical. There are two case law authorities where a lawyer cannot just change parties in the same case to the enemy lawyer such as Holloway v. Arkansas, 435 U.S. 475 | Casetext Search + Citator and Dowell v. Commonwealth, 14 Va. App. 58 | Casetext Search + Citator. Brian is right. A lawyer representing you for your defense in a criminal trial cannot just jump ship and join the prosecution team of lawyers without at least recusing himself or herself in cases who that lawyer had represented the other party because that is an extremely high risk of a CONFLICT OF INTEREST. It is unethical, potentially illegal and/or unconstitutional, corrupt, and deprives a criminal defendant of a fair trial. Brian obtained all of this evidence prior to being charged with contempt of court. So Brian was targeted for exposing local corruption within the judiciary in his own case and involving his own case. Brian also obtained evidence that the body-camera footage was illegally destroyed by the prosecutor by not marking that as evidence. There is even a mainstream local article proving that Scott Albrecht is working for the prosecution. Brian exposed a lot of truths which angered the establishment hacks, puppets, and political opportunists.
1. 690CR19000009-01#PO-44(OCR).pdf (OCR generated text searchable) and 690CR19000009-01#PO-44.pdf – Order for dismissal of contempt of court case.
2. Declaration in support of Motion(2).pdf – Motion not yet filed in Court of Appeals of Virginia but does describe about what exactly happened.
3. Virginia Judiciary Online Case Information System-Dismissed(1)-10-24-2023.pdf – Online Case Information System page proving that the criminal contempt charge was dismissed.
@RealSGAnon had posted four times on Truth Social about the issue of Brian facing a contempt charge, possibly over behind the scenes pressure by the Deep State (DS). SGAnon also said that the White Hats were protecting Brian from being assassinated and wrongfully jailed where they could assassinate him. Brian is still alive, and that is because God Wins. SGAnon was right, he is under protection. – “It would appear the [DS] infiltrated judiciary at the state level in Virginia is now seeking to hold him in contempt of court. Mr. Hill is not suicidal.” (Wayback Archive) ( webpage capture) – “@RealSGAnon was RIGHT!!!! I repeat SGAnon was right. They were proven right. See the results. Right is right and wrong is wrong in the judicial system. Brian is finally having the right judicial decisions made when the Constitution is supposed to be in full force and effect. Brian’s lawyer actually fought for him and the special prosecutor refused to show up at the hearing but pushed for joint motion for dismissal. Brian David Hill = Innocence.” and the original reposted post said: “Dear friend, US/Joint Mil_Ops WW cannot provide security detail to every single person involved in significant exposure. Now that said, it is my belief that Mr. Hill has already been given some level of protection/guidance, as his life has been threatened multiple times over last 10+ years, and began under Hussein’s reign. People in possession of the sort of evidence he has, have a long record of assisted suicides, and it’s unusual he even lived to 2016. Hope this helps.” (See “The case involving John Roberts, the American political elite, and Blackmail_Operations in US government to control key areas, is being re-petitioned in the (controlled) Supreme Court, distributed for conference 2/24/2023. It involves prominent US names, 47 discs containing images of child porn/murder rings, and the account of whistleblower Evan Neumann, currently in asylum.” (Wayback Machine) “This didn’t age well”, “(image:” (Wayback Machine)

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