Addendums to articles: (1) Possible conspiracy to take away Appellant’s rights to appeal in Virginia had succeeded, Brian D. Hill’s appeals dismissed for untimely filing but files Motion for Delayed Appeals at fault of Attorney Fred Smith – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; (2) USWGO Brian D. Hill files request for Sanctions and Inquiry into Justin Hill, Asst. Virginia Attorney General for LYING/DEFRAUDING to the Court of Appeals of Virginia. Appeal reply brief also filed. – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; and (3) BREAKING: Court appointed lawyer Fred Smith and/or Corrupt Assistant Attorney General Justin Hill knew Brian couldn’t file for six months in Virginia Court, then lied about it to Virginia Appeals Court to make Brian look like a liar – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News.
Author: Stanley Bolten
Former USWGO Alternative News reporter Brian D. Hill just filed new evidence in an amended motion for delayed appeals to revive his dismissed appeals before the Court of Appeals of Virginia (CAV). The new evidence had revealed phone call recordings with Attorney Fred Smith, legally recorded under one party consent. The recordings confirm that there appears to be some form of manipulation by Attorney Fred Smith between both Brian D. Hill, the Appellant, and Justin Hill, Asst. Attorney General of Virginia who represented the City of Martinsville and the Commonwealth of Virginia in Brian’s appeals. The manipulation can be proven with the audio recordings. It is enough evidence to make these claims without a risk of being accused of defamation since Attorney Fred Smith is an officer of the Circuit Court for the City of Martinsville, making him part of the Virginia’s judicial system. All attorneys practicing before a court is considered an officer of the court. Justin Hill would be considered an officer of the Court of Appeals of Virginia. Justin Hill had also confirmed receipt of the filings and/or evidence but had an IT policy prohibiting the downloading of files from unverified websites but says that he “will retrieve copies of the recordings directly from the Court of Appeals (CAV) when the CAV files them into the official records alongside your motion.” That means the Court will likely download the exhibits of audio recordings and then the Attorney General will learn how he was manipulated by this attorney from the City of Martinsville. Justin Hill did technically make false statements to the CAV, but if those false statements came directly from FRED SMITH, then this means that Justin was set up to look like a liar, and Brian was set up to either look like a liar or some delusional person who believed in things which weren’t real or couldn’t be proven with any evidence/facts. Now Fred has been proven as the person who gave false information to both Brian Hill (appellant) and Justin Hill (appellees), which caused Brian’s appeals to be wrongfully dismissed. This deprived Brian Hill of his procedural due process of law under the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
2. Emergency Letter to Justin Hill, Attorney General.pdf – Email printout: Subject: Emergency Letter to Justin Hill, Attorney General. Date: 1/22/2024, 4:39 PM. Email to Assistant Attorney General, Justin Hill.
3. RE Emergency Letter to Justin Hill, Attorney General.pdf – Email printout: Subject: RE: Emergency Letter to Justin Hill, Attorney General. Date: 1/23/2024, 9:31 AM. Email from Assistant Attorney General, Justin Hill.
4. Special letter from Brian David Hill, case no. CR19000009-00.pdf – Email printout: Subject: Special letter from Brian David Hill, case no. CR19000009-00. Date: 1/21/2024, 11:18 PM. Email to Jeanie Nunn, Clerk of the Circuit Court for the City of Martinsville.
5. SPECIAL-LETTER-January-21-2024.pdf – SPECIAL LETTER TO CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF MARTINSVILLE, VIRGINIA, REQUESTING INFORMATION BE FILED IN CIRCUIT COURT CASE NO. CR19000009-00; Sunday, January 21, 2024 10:42 PM. Attached to email Special letter from Brian David Hill, case no. CR19000009-00.pdf.
6. RE Special letter from Brian David Hill, case no. CR19000009-00(2).pdf – Email printout: Subject: Re: Special letter from Brian David Hill, case no. CR19000009-00. Date: 1/22/2024, 2:17 PM. Email from Jeanie Nunn, Clerk of the Circuit Court for the City of Martinsville.
7. Re Special letter from Brian David Hill, case no. CR19000009-00.pdf – Email printout: Subject: RE: Special letter from Brian David Hill, case no. CR19000009-00. Date: 1/22/2024, 10:23 AM. Email to Jeanie Nunn, Clerk of the Circuit Court for the City of Martinsville.
8. EXHIBIT 8-Declaration for Motion for Delayed Appeal.pdf – Declaration/Affidavit of Brian David Hill in support of his motion for delayed appeal.
9. EXHIBIT 11-TRANSCRIPT OF 20230306154652-O-12766382555.wav(2).pdf – Typed Transcription of audio file: 20230306154652-O-12766382555.wav.
10. EXHIBIT 12-TRANSCRIPT OF 20230622090230-I-2766382555.wav(1).pdf – Typed Transcription of audio file: 20230622090230-I-2766382555.wav.
11. 1-uswgo_20230227_172612_redacted.pdf – Attachment by URL/LINK to email: Special letter from Brian David Hill, case no. CR19000009-00.pdf.
12. 2-011724 order – deny motion for leave and dismiss BW 0313-23-3 & 0314-23-3 & 0317-23-3.pdf – Attachment by URL/LINK to email: Special letter from Brian David Hill, case no. CR19000009-00.pdf.
13. 3-AMDMotion1-20-2024.pdf – Attachment by URL/LINK to email: Special letter from Brian David Hill, case no. CR19000009-00.pdf. The filed Amended Motion for Delayed Appeal, filed by Brian D. Hill. Filed by VACES Virginia judicial system in the Court of Appeals of Virginia.
14. 4-ALL-EXHIBITS-1-20-2024.pdf – Attachment by URL/LINK to email: Special letter from Brian David Hill, case no. CR19000009-00.pdf. All filed Exhibits in attachment to the filed Amended Motion for Delayed Appeal, filed by Brian D. Hill. Filed by VACES Virginia judicial system in the Court of Appeals of Virginia.
15. 5-010224 Commonwealth Brief 0313 23 3 0314 23 3 and 0317 23 3.pdf – Attachment by URL/LINK to email: Special letter from Brian David Hill, case no. CR19000009-00.pdf. Brief of the Commonwealth by Justin Hill, Assistant Attorney General of Virginia. Digital filed version, not the scanned version.
16. RE 2nd Emergency request letter.pdf – Email printout: Subject: RE: 2nd Emergency request letter. 1/22/2024, 9:43 AM. Email from Jeanie Nunn, Clerk of the Circuit Court for the City of Martinsville.
17. VACES 1-22-2024 pdf-acceptances.pdf – VACES system, electronic filing system for Court of Appeals of Virginia. Acceptances of filings: 3-AMDMotion1-20-2024.pdf and 4-ALL-EXHIBITS-1-20-2024.pdf.
18. Attorney Fred Smith phone conversation with Brian Hill on March 6, 2023: or
19. Attorney Fred Smith phone conversation with Roberta Hill on June 22, 2023: or
20. proof-service1-21-2024.pdf – Required proof of service which verifies that service was made on Respondent, the appellees. Filed by VACES and is in the records of the Court of Appeals of Virginia.
21. 011724 record request 0313-23-3_Redacted.pdf – Court of Appeals of Virginia case record, CAV record no. 0313-23-3. Shows the struggle caused by Judge Greer’s contempt of court charge. Of course, he can deny it by claiming that the Circuit Court Clerk Jeanie Nunn signed the show cause order, BUT Judge Greer was the presiding judge over the contempt of court charge criminal case. Social Security number was redacted.
22. 011724 record request 0314-23-3_Redacted.pdf – Court of Appeals of Virginia case record, CAV record no. 0314-23-3. Shows the struggle caused by Judge Greer’s contempt of court charge. Of course, he can deny it by claiming that the Circuit Court Clerk Jeanie Nunn signed the show cause order, BUT Judge Greer was the presiding judge over the contempt of court charge criminal case.
23. 011724 record request 0317-23-3_Redacted.pdf – Court of Appeals of Virginia case record, CAV record no. 0317-23-3. Shows the struggle caused by Judge Greer’s contempt of court charge. Of course, he can deny it by claiming that the Circuit Court Clerk Jeanie Nunn signed the show cause order, BUT Judge Greer was the presiding judge over the contempt of court charge criminal case.
24. Virginia Judiciary Online Case Information System-CR19000009-01(1).pdf – Case information page regarding Brian Hill’s contempt of court case.
TRANSCRIPT OF Recording dated June 22, 2023:
[Fred Smith]: This is Fred Smith. How are you this morning?
[Fred Smith]: Um, I got a call from the Attorney General’s office yesterday concerning a
filing that Brian has due in approximately 30 days.
[Roberta Hill]: Uh huh.
[Fred Smith]: And, uh, the, the, the attorney general, the assistant attorney General that
spoke to me expressed concern that Brian has about filing anything until we get this
October hearing behind us.
[Roberta Hill]: Uh huh.
[Fred Smith]: Um, uh, the attorney general will agree to give Brian until after October
[Fred Smith]: uh, of his hearing date, uh, in order to make further filings in the matters
he has in the court of appeals. So, Brian needs to call the, the, the gentleman that he
spoke with and tell him he would like to agree to do that, that he would like that extra
time to make filings until sometime on a date after his October hearing date.
[Roberta Hill]: Ok, I’ll let him know about that.
[Fred Smith]: Ok, thank you, Miss Hill.
Asst. Attorney General Justin Hill told Brian Hill that it was not up to him to extend Brian’s appeal deadlines. But only through Brian (while he couldn’t file for six months) or through his attorney (he had no attorney for his appeals, Fred Smith was only over Brian’s contempt of court case) while Brian’s hands were tied. Fred Smith lied to Brian’s mother that Justin Hill had already agreed to extend Brian’s appeals as long as Brian simply call or contact Justin Hill, saying that he wanted that extension.
[Justin Hill’s response:]
“In it, your son appears to request that I submit a motion for a continuance on his behalf to the Court of Appeals. I would ask that you please pass along to him the same response I gave last time: I am prohibited from taking any legal action on his behalf. Your son, or an attorney representing him, are the only persons allowed to file a motion or request on his behalf. I remain amenable to a motion requesting a continuance, were he to file one. But, I cannot request a continuance or take any other action on your son’s behalf.” – From filed Justin Hill response email to Roberta Hill.
Brian sent a letter to Justin Hill begging him to continue his appeals until after his contempt of court case were to be dismissed after complying with Fred Smith’s proffered verbal agreement (we do not have evidence as to whether this was in writing or not as of yet) concerning a six-month prohibition on filing anything in the Virginia courts. Then Justin contacted Brian’s attorney Fred Smith as to their concerns of Brian’s claims. Fred then told Roberta Hill over a recorded phone conversation that the Attorney General had already agreed to continue the appeals or extend the appeals to beyond after the October contempt of court hearing, then instructed Roberta Hill to tell her son that all Brian had to do was call Justin Hill (Attorney General’s office) and he would agree to extend Brian’s appeals, no worries at all, right??? NO, Justin Hill sent a response email back to Roberta Hill and had responded officially to Brian’s letter, again stating that he will not extend Brian’s appeals because Justin Hill argued that he does not represent Brian David Hill. Meaning that Justin as the Asst. Attorney General represents the City of Martinsville and Commonwealth of Virginia in Brian’s criminal appeals. Justin Hill represents Appellees, Brian is Appellant. This proved that Attorney Fred manipulated Brian into believing that Justin Hill had already agreed to extend Brian’s appeals before Brian was to call Justin. Brian was very angry at Justin and called him a liar and said he made false statements to the Court of Appeals of Virginia, which would be the usual emotional outrage to his appeals being dismissed after false information was in the brief of the Commonwealth. So technically, Justin Hill did write false statements as to what information was sourced from Attorney Fred, but those false statements regarding Brian’s contempt of court case seem to be coming from Attorney Fred. Brian then written a letter to the Asst. Attorney General Justin and informed him that his court appointed attorney (You know who!!! Fred Smith) had deceived Justin, deceived Brian Hill, deceived Brian Hill’s mother Roberta Hill, and had manipulated both sides of the appeal cases. That ultimately lead to the dismissal of three of Brian’s most important appeals covering the unlawful destruction of the police body-camera footage as admitted by Martinsville city Police Chief Rob Fincher.
Brian also made filings with the Circuit Court Clerk Jeanie Nunn for the City of Martinsville and he had filed an emergency letter with Justin Hill who represents the City of Martinsville and Virginia (also known as Appellees). Brian begged the Circuit Court clerk to file in his 2018/2019 criminal case, the evidence of Attorney Fred Smith unconstitutionally depriving Brian Hill of his appeal rights and causing his appeals to be dismissed. However, Jeanie Nunn, the Clerk, had refused to file the evidence in his 2018/2019 state criminal charge case, but rather filed it in his contempt of court case to prevent the Court of Appeals of Virginia from learning of Brian informing the Clerk of the Circuit Court about the new evidence of these new revelations. There are cover ups, dirty tricks, lies, and trickery going on here throughout Brian Hill’s state criminal cases including his appeals.
There clearly is a possible conspiracy or plot to thwart Brian’s constitutional right to his appeals in the State/Commonwealth of Virginia. Stay tuned for more information as it comes.

7 thoughts on “[CORRUPTION] USWGO Brian D. Hill’s New Amended Motion for Delayed Appeal reveals more evidence of Attorney Fred D. Smith manipulating both Asst. Attorney General Justin Hill and Brian; manipulated both sides to END Brian’s appeals”