Author: Stanley Bolten
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, has filed a complaint against Attorney Fred Smith for lying to the office of the Attorney General of Virginia, and for unconstitutional interference with the seven appeals of Brian Hill in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. The complaint involves the complaint itself, a memorandum affidavit, and an evidence CD disc. It has also been revealed in the affidavit that Attorney Fred did not do anything about the threatening email which was reported to the Virginia State Police. State Police agents also was confirmed to have visited Brian according to a redacted affidavit of Brian Hill, but there doesn’t appear to be any action taken to further trace that email other than the fact that they claimed the Tormail type server used for the threatening email was in Germany. See Declaration on State Police visit – March 18, 2023(3)_Redacted2.pdf – Redacted affidavit about State Police visit which demonstrates that they did take notice of the seriousness of the threatening email which was reported to law enforcement. Identities were redacted, Emails and names were redacted. This is just to validate the seriousness of the threat email. The complaint also noted that Brian felt that the attorney was protecting the judge’s best interests rather then the best interests of his client.
The complaint has been filed with the Virginia Indigent Defense Commission (VIDC), with the Standards of Practice Enforcement Attorney (SOPEA). It was mailed out on January 27, 2024, and was received at around January 29, 2024, 5:02 PM by electronic return receipt. It has yet to be assigned any case number or any official response as of yet. There is usually an investigation process, and the responding attorney may also be served a copy of the complaint. The consequences can be if the standards of practice were violated, then Fred may risk being either disciplined, or disbarred in the future or may even be dropped from being a participating attorney for indigent defendants accused of a crime in Virginia. The attorney Fred Smith has yet to respond to the complaint or make any comments. If he wishes to make a comment, he may feel free to contact us. We will publish Fred’s comments here if he wishes to do so, so feel free to contact us.
See the files:
1. 1-Complaint against Fred D. Smith.pdf – Virginia Indigent Defense Commission, Standards of Practice of Indigent Defense Counsel Complaint Form, January 27, 2024.
2. 2-Declarationin support of complaint against Fred Smith.pdf – MEMORANDUM OF BRIAN DAVID HILL IN SUPPORT OF “Virginia Indigent Defense Commission Standards of Practice of Indigent Defense Counsel Complaint Form” DATED JANUARY 27, 2024. This is an affidavit.
3. EVIDENCE CD download (.iso disc image) which contains both conversation recordings evidence, and documents evidence for the complaint to investigate those matters. MIRROR at
4.® – USPS Tracking® Results-70191120000223871477(1).pdf – USPS tracking number proof of delivery.
5. 70191120000223871477.pdf – Electronic Return Receipt – Signed by recipient on January 29, 2024, 5:02 PM.
6. contents-envelope-complaint-fred-smith-jan-27-2024-ocr.pdf – Contents of priority mail envelope of complaint, evidence CD, and memorandum.
7. USWGO_20240127_111347(OCR).pdf – USPS receipt showing the acceptance of receipt of envelope, priority mail.
8. Xfinity Connect Emergency clerical mistake correction letter Printout.pdf – Clerical mistake emergency letter email to SOPEA of VIDC. – ADDED on FEBRUARY 2, 2024 12:19 AM.
9. EMERGENCY LETTER TO SOPEA February 1, 2024(5).pdf – Attachment emergency letter to email. – ADDED on FEBRUARY 2, 2024 12:19 AM.
Note: We don’t know what their stance is on it. All we know is that it was received according to the return receipt. So, it was technically considered as filed with the Standards of Practice Enforcement. We do not yet know what decision has been made and whether this may be public or not. We don’t know whether they will allow the contents of those matters in the future to be made public, but we will see what the final outcome of the investigation and complaint process is. We will know if Fred was disbarred or not. See Fred’s name in the current qualified attorney list. If he loses his qualification, then his name will be removed from that very list. SEE THE FILE: Virginia Indigent Defense Commission-Qualified Attorney in Judicial District 21 – Misdemeanor_felony(1).pdf.
Even if this attorney could argue that professionally he tried to do everything he could to give Brian the best possible outcome for his contempt of court criminal case, then it doesn’t explain why he would tell contradictory statements with different people, and as to why Fred gave a different story to the Assistant Attorney General Justin Hill. It doesn’t explain why it appears that both sides of the appeal (where Brian D. Hill is Appellant) were allegedly manipulated by Fred according to the audio recordings and the brief of the commonwealth, as well as email exchanges with Justin Hill. Because of this alleged manipulation, Brian accused Justin Hill of providing false statements to the Court of Appeals in Virginia, according to an earlier filing with the CAV.

It appears to be corruption with certain powerful people in the Martinsville Circuit Court and the corruption with the judicial system in the city in Martinsville, Virginia. Corruption with its Commonwealth’s Attorney Glen Andrew Hall (also known as Andy Hall). There needs to be serious reforms with the Martinsville judicial system in the commonwealth state of Virginia.
See the following articles about this continuing saga:
6 thoughts on “Brian D. Hill files complaint against Attorney Fred Dempsey Smith for lying to Virginia Attorney General and Unconstitutional interference with appeals to cause dismissals”