Author: Stanley Bolten Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, has put enough pressure on the Deputy Clerk to stop blocking the Certiorari Writ Petition and Emergency Application regarding the alleged BLACKMAIL SCHEME of “Judges” and “Officials” engaging in acts of child rape and murder according to the Attorney L. Lin Wood claims last…
USWGO Alt News Brian D. Hill faxes letter to U.S. Supreme Court escalating issue to supervisor on Deputy Clerk Clayton Higgins blocking EMERGENCY APPLICATION and CERTIORARI PETITION on Attorney Lin Wood’s claims on blackmail scheme of child rape and murder
Brian D. Hill, former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News, files a faxed letter (two times) with the U.S. Supreme Court demanding resolution to the Deputy Clerk Clayton Higgins blocking the Writ of Certiorari petition and Emergency Application appealing the judge denying motions asking for a Special Master to investigate over the alleged blackmail scheme video recordings of “judges” and “officials” engaging in child rape and murder as claimed by Attorney L. Lin Wood, last year on Twitter. The article on the illegal/unlawful blocking of Brian’s petitions has received over 5,700 views on TELEGRAM, thousands of views as reported by visitor stats, and has been syndicated by a fellow journalist blogger at Clever Journeys. We are the new media. Last year Lin Wood had publicly released a photograph of an unnamed letter he received from the person or persons who allegedly gave Lin Wood the information about the Lizard Squad hacked blackmail video recordings of allegedly child rape and murder.
A POPULAR TELEGRAM CHANNEL boosts visits to article on the U.S. Supreme Court illegally blocking Brian’s filings regarding Attorney L. Lin Wood’s claims alleging a blackmail scheme of child rape and murder
The U.S. Supreme Court has been put on notice that they will not get away with illegally blocking a valid Certiorari Petition filing and Emergency Application petition. It is clear that the Clerk has unlawfully blocked the filing likely to protect the Chief Justice John Roberts, at least we assume as such, and we dare John Roberts to file a lawsuit against Attorney L. Lin Wood for defamation for his claims made against John Roberts. It is up to John Roberts whether he wants to defend himself against the allegations by Attorney L. Lin Wood, of Chief Roberts allegedly being blackmailed with child rape and murder. See the emergency application that John Roberts does not want in front of his face and didn’t want the Clerk to file in HIS U.S. SUPREME COURT.
REPOST: Lin Wood Whistleblower Interview: Danger in Supreme Court – Clever Journeys
Reposted from Lin Wood Whistleblower Interview: Danger in Supreme Court Posted on March 4, 2021 by Texans Jack & Dodie Each day, we learn new revelations in politics that startle, anger, and depress us. What you are about to read caused such emotions when I first examined this information. The contents of these interviews,…
U.S. SUPREME COURT ATTEMPTING TO BLOCK FILING of Emergency Application asking BLACKMAILED Chief Justice John Roberts to recuse himself and Certiorari Petition for denied motions asking for Special Master to review over blackmail videos alleged by Attorney L. Lin Wood, child rape and murder blackmail
The U.S. SUPREME COURT gone and done it now. They are attempting to reject the filings of Brian D. Hill’s Petition for Writ of Certiorari and Emergency Application to Chief Justice John Roberts to recuse himself from the case. The filings concern an interlocutory appeal of two motions being denied requesting a Special Master to review over the what Attorney L. Lin Wood had alleged to be the existence of blackmail videos of “judges” and “officials” concerning allegedly recorded acts of child rape and murder. The filings have been returned to Brian Hill with a single-page letter with an excuse that Brian’s appendix lacks a “final order”. See the PDF file of the scanned letter given to us by Brian’s family. Brian D. Hill is formerly the news reporter of USWGO Alternative News.
The model for all police officers everywhere: ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW’s Sheriff Andy Taylor, all police officers need to be like that constitutional peace officer
The police all over America need to be oath keepers and always follow their oaths of office every day before following duty. They need to have common sense when they make the basic law enforcement decisions. They must never go above the Constitution of the United States of America. A great Sheriff, a great police officer to look up to for guidance is the character known as ANDY TAYLOR aka ANDY GRIFFITH from an old 1960s show known as The Andy Griffith Show.
Stanley Bolten sends email to U.S. Supreme Court arguing that they should not cover up pleadings again in the case of Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News versus the United States of America
Stanley Bolten the admin of Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News blog, has sent an email to the U.S. Supreme Court with being a citizen’s sting operation where they were put “ON NOTICE” that every pleading Brian has ever mailed to the U.S. Supreme Court was scanned and photocopied by Brian before being mailed off with the tracking number and mailing label, matching the UPS delivery confirmation along with the proof of delivery. Photographs were emailed of what was mailed and Brian’s family emailed the UPS tracking delivery confirmation proof document to the Public Information Officers of the U.S. Supreme Court. This is to ensure that nothing is covered up again like what was done last year in Brian’s trio of U.S. Supreme Court petitions.
Stanley Bolten to corrupt Assistant U.S. Attorneys of Middle District of North Carolina: “These people are Nazis in attorney uniforms. These DOJ scum are NAZIS, the brownshirts, the GESTAPO.” – The DOJ deserve being called Nazis for the torture of the January 6 defendants and torture of patient Zero Brian D. Hill in 2013-2014
Author: Stanley Bolten Also see articles: USWGO news reporter Brian D. Hill files petition with U.S. Supreme Court regarding BLACKMAIL SCHEME alleged by Attorney L. Lin Wood and asks suspected blackmailed Chief Justice John Roberts to recuse himself, and U.S. Supreme Court receives Brian D. Hill’s filings regarding Attorney Lin Wood’s alleged information about blackmail…
U.S. Supreme Court receives Brian D. Hill’s filings regarding Attorney Lin Wood’s alleged information about blackmail scheme on the day of the BLOOD MOON, a bad omen for Chief Justice John Roberts if he is guilty of child rape and murder
The UPS shipping service had delivered to the U.S. Supreme Court the package containing Brian D. Hill’s petition for Writ of Certiorari and Emergency Application today, on the same day after the morning of the lunar eclipse and the blood moon. Usually a blood moon is a bad omen for a tyrannical king to be overthrown/removed from power or when an illegitimate king is about to be overthrown/removed from power. Brian D. Hill is the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News. The filings at the U.S. Supreme Court are in regard to the allegations brought by Attorney L. Lin Wood from his informative source or sources who had alleged to have received blackmail video recordings of “officials” and “judges” from The Lizard Squad (hacking group, hacktivists). The blackmail video recordings are alleged to be recorded acts of child rape and murder, being compelled or forced to rape children then shoot the child on video. Then they are blackmailed and forever compromised. Attorney L. Wood aka Attorney Wood had also named Chief Justice John Roberts of the U.S. Supreme Court as to being one of the allegedly blackmailed powerful individuals. This also seems to involve Jeffrey Epstein as well.
USWGO news reporter Brian D. Hill files petition with U.S. Supreme Court regarding BLACKMAIL SCHEME alleged by Attorney L. Lin Wood and asks suspected blackmailed Chief Justice John Roberts to recuse himself
Former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News man Brian D. Hill is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse the Fourth Circuit’s dismissal of two federal appeals asking for remanding the corrupt U.S. District Court to appoint a Special Master for the purposes of subpoenaing and investigating the alleged blackmail sex tapes originally spoken of on Twitter by the infamous Attorney L. Lin Wood. Attorney Wood had brought out allegations against Chief Justice John Roberts as well as other “judges” and “officials” that they were being targeted in a blackmail scheme of being video recorded committing heinous acts of child rape and murder. Brian has filed his Petition for Writ of Certiorari today, as well as a “EMERGENCY APPLICATION” to the Chief Justice John Roberts compelling him under federal law to recuse himself since the “John Roberts” had been accused by name in a few tweets from Attorney Lin Wood, aka Attorney Wood. Another exhibit from the record of the U.S. District Court (used as evidence in appendix to the emergency Application) had a printout of an article from regarding a TELEGRAM posting from Attorney Wood posting a status update on the blackmail tapes originally seen by American actor Issac Kappy before he was murdered, and was found by a hacking group called The Lizard Squad.
Also it should be noted that Radio Patriot blog also covered a link to this blog on the issues about the new digital Brownstoning Operations where the pedos inside the U.S. Government can frame people with child pornography because it is far cheaper and easier for the Feds to plant the child abuse photos rather than having a politician or judge raping an actual minor on video camera recordings. Blackmail by actual physical sex crimes is one method of the Deep State’s arsenal for character assassination for both control and compromise. Brian argues that a SPECIAL MASTER is necessary to determine if the federal judges involved in Brian’s criminal case were blackmailed with this child rape and murder alleged blackmail scheme.