The Office of the Attorney General of Virginia has filed a “defective” brief, as Brian’s labels the Appellee’s brief in opposition to Brian D. Hill’s two pending appeals. Brian D. Hill is formerly USWGO Alternative News. The two pending appeals concern two court orders denying Brian’s motion for either a judgment of acquittal or motion for a new trial by jury. This is within the Court of Appeals of Virginia, a state court. The Attorney General’s opposition brief argued that if Brian proves destruction of Brady material evidence by the Commonwealth Attorney or Martinsville Police Department, then it would be considered intrinsic fraud which could “obscure” the alleged “facts” of guilt presented to a jury. When a party does not comply with multiple court orders, it is usually a contempt of court. When a party fails or refuses to comply with court orders for discovery material, the judge can decide to allow the adverse party in a case to push for an “adverse inference” allowing a jury to be instructed on the fact of destruction of evidence by the government prosecutor favorable to the other party in a criminal case or civil case. Usually destruction of evidence is a sign that the case prosecuted may have been a weak or unfounded case.
Reposting @radiopatriot article: Brownstone op. | The Radio Patriot; Comment response from @justiceforuswgo
Reposting @radiopatriot article: Brownstone op. | The Radio Patriot; Comment response from @justiceforuswgo
Jack Posobiec and Alex Jones talk briefly about Child Porn Set Ups, blackmail, brownstone operations
Alex Jones and Jack Posobiec had an interview on Sunday, October 23, 2022. They spoke about the new digital brownstone operations which is digital child porn file planting operations. File planting by both emails, possibly text messages (anything where images can be sent or received) and computer hacking like for example: Win32/MoliVampire.A. This blog has been covering this since 2018. We Are Change and ActivistPost covered this. See the portion of the interview uploaded on YouTube, Brighteon, and Internet Archive.
OPINION: Possibly the “POLITICAL HACKERS SQUAD” framed Alex Jones with child porn to destroy and deny anti-SLAPP motion in Sandy Hook lawsuit, evidence they framed Brian D. Hill into wrongful criminal conviction, same group of proclaimed perpetrators
NOTE: If we can prove the POLITICAL HACKERS SQUAD framed both Alex Jones and Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News with child porn, we want the 1 Millions Dollars. Brian D. Hill wants that reward for the misery and torment, and suicidal thoughts that the POLITICAL HACKERS SQUAD done to him. The corrupt FBI…
ALERT!!!! Computer of Stanley Bolten HACKED by PayLock encryption and python script tools, injecting attacks, causing Operating System to not function, hard drive corruption, CHKDSK found hard drive errors
The computer of Stanley Bolten was hacked to where the computer cannot load the Windows 10 Operating System (OS). The computer was protected by third party secure encryption. However, somebody started injecting python script codes into the computer. PayLock encryption ransom-ware started showing up after usage of CHKDSK. CHKDSK logs were not retained due to quick action to save DATA, however CHKDSK confirmed hard disk had error after error. It found errors in the NTFS, the file-system, and stored the files in the chkdsk orphan file folders. Upon checking them out, weird python script files were discovered, along with images with the names PayLock and PaySplashScreen. This is similar to names used by ransom-ware hacker groups to lock computers demanding money or not longer be allowed access to personal DATA. Usually using encryption. Somebody is trying to hack the computer to be locked out. That attempt had failed. This was attempted 2 days ago, around November 19, 2022. Computer started reporting that it had to restart the computer to repair hard drive errors. SMART tool was used to check and it shown no issues and at approximately 80% health. It did not warn that the drive was failing, but now the hard drive corruption comes in, weird script tools showing up, and paylock. So somebody is trying to encrypt the files and lock the computer. Possibly demanding money or may be an attempt to do some other form of attack or set up or whatever. This is being reported on here for my safety.
Truth Social posts: Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News being held hostage by PEDOPHILE RINGS of the Deep State Swamp, BEING HELD HOSTAGE #Q #QANON #QANONS #ANONS #TRUTH #WWG1WGA TO: @prayingmedic @techno_fog @elenochle
Author: Stanley Bolten Related articles: QAnon supporter Praying Medic @PrayingMedic was right: Justice John Roberts deserves Presumption of Innocence but so does ALL AMERICANS – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News – Note: People need to be careful assuming that Brian Hill is guilty. Arguably, even if you all want to just…
Truth Social posts: The Deep State Feds are holding Brian D. Hill hostage!!!! Brian Hill of USWGO Alternative News is innocent, he is being held hostage because he has proof/evidence that he is innocent of all charges he ever got!!!!
Stanley Bolten posts on Truth Social postings about Brian being factually innocent of both his state and federal convictions. Brian does have evidence, has disproved the elements in both cases. Every element of a crime has to be proven before a criminal conviction can be sustained. Brian D. Hill is actually innocent. He is being held hostage. Brian needs Q’s help, Brian never raped, never molested, never murdered, never charged with assault. Brian needs the help of Q and the Anons. Please help Radio
Convicting people of crimes they are not guilty of, creates fake criminal records, fraudulent criminal records, erodes faith in Government, destroys credibility of the Courts
A society of a Judicial System (Courts) which convicts innocent people of charged crimes (accused crimes) without caring about any evidence and without caring about any facts which disproves the elements of a charged crime (criminal offense allegation) creates what is known as a fake criminal record, fraudulent criminal records. This will overtime, erode the people’s faith in a Government to tell the truth and not lie to the people. When you see people having a criminal record, you wouldn’t normally think they are not guilty, but you would think they are guilty and must have done something awful, something horrible, worthy of being punished for the charged crime, a crime somebody is accused of. What if a charged crime is later proven to be a FRAUD? What if a Court refuses to overturn a case of an innocent man convicted of a crime? What if a Court refuses to tackle the issue of fraud by a prosecutor?
Child Porn Set Up Operation against Alex Jones was the WEAPON to default Alex Jones and take away anti-SLAPP legal defense of Infowars, bar them from dismissing the lawsuit
Attorney Norm Pattis made a good point yesterday during the EMERGENCY TRANSMISSION of The Alex Jones Show, of Infowars, about the whole child pornography set up operation attempt which was used to enrage Alex Jones into saying things out of anger and emotion on The Alex Jones Show on June 14, 2019. Out of his emotional and angry remarks, they dubbed him a “threat to the administration of justice” in the CORRUPT Supreme Court of Connecticut. See article: Connecticut Supreme Court rules against Alex Jones who had been set up with child porn, ranting about it. Then used the child pornography set up attempt and Alex Jones’s emotional remarks to bar him from being allowed to be granted a motion to dismiss a defamation lawsuit on the basis that Alex Jones made statements which were protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, also known as the anti-SLAPP law. Essentially, child pornography was used as a WEAPON to prevent Alex Jones from dismissing the lawsuit against him by anti-SLAPP law. From our analysis and Attorney Norm Pattis’s remarks, it gives us the indication that child porn was partially at fault and the angry emotional remarks by Alex Jones in response to the child porn set up attempt which was live on his radio show broadcast was used as the main cause of barring him from succeeding on a anti-SLAPP motion to dismiss. Because of that issue alone, Alex Jones was not given a fair trial under Due Process of Law, was told he will have to pay $1 BILLION of U.S. Dollars in damages, and that the intent of the verdict was to shut down Infowars and turn it into a Woke media organization. See the archive of the video to protect it from being disappeared at a later time. The intent of the elite was to shut down Alex Jones for the rest of his life where he may likely kill himself as his only way out. YES, CHILD PORN IS A WEAPON, AND PEOPLE CONTINUE TRYING TO BAN OUR ARTICLES AND BAN ME FROM MANY POLITICAL GROUPS. Even got banned from sending emails from Protonmail. They don’t want to believe that child porn is a weapon used by the communists to shut down their political opposition. They can plant this filth on any of us at any time, and call the police on people to where they find the child porn which was planted with the intent of assassinating the characters of political opponents.
YouTube Videos Report October 12, 2022
The last seven YouTube videos, from most popular to least popular at this time. Based on view counts. It is showing that despite the shadow banning and Artificial Intelligence, USWGO YouTube videos are still getting views despite the efforts by the Deep State Swamp,Corrupt CIA/NSA/DIA/FBI/DOJ. This YouTube videos status report is of October 12, 2022.