This blog of Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News has now received attacks, CIA style attacks from TOR EXIT NODES, traps being set to try to entrap Brian to revoke Brian’s Probation and then Solicitor General Jeff B. Wall claiming that Brian will never get a pardon because he claims without any evidence that is a pedo, even though Brian has proven a lot of his actual innocence and is just a victim of judicial corruption. We have the evidence, we have the emails, we have the messages sent through this blog contact system.
USWGO news Brian D. Hill withdraws motion; accusing all Federal and State Courts of being Broken; citing Lin Wood statements of Blackmail running our Courts
Brian lashed out at Roanoke, Virginia Federal Judge Urbanski by quoting or paraphrasing Attorney Lin Wood’s statements on Twitter [now defunct] that Judges and politicians are being blackmailed by the Deep State using pedophilia, child rape and murder. He is withdrawing his motion to vacate and nullify any fraudulent begotten judgments against him in regards to a Supervised Release Violation. Made a statement to the effect that the Courts are not credible anymore and are all compromised. Brian pretty much made damaging statements against all Federal and State Courts in his recent filing. Brian’s filing is available at Courtlistener. Brian told the Court to retain the record of his attempted motion if the U.S. Military will investigate his criminal case, likely referring to things he had successfully mailed to U.S. Secretary of Defense Chris Miller calling for the arrest of Federal Judges and State Judges including all judges of the Fourth Circuit federal appeals who have knowingly violated their oaths of office and committing high treason. Brian lastly told the Court that no Court will give him justice and that only a Presidential pardon is his “only hope”.
StanleyBolten new Twitter account suspended along with @GenFlynn and @SidneyPowell1
The attacks against us have increased after revealing that Brian D. Hill of formerly USWGO alternative news had written Defense Secretary Chris Miller at the Pentagon in Washington, DC. Twitter suspended my account without warning and claimed I tried to sway the platform or some garbage. I was banned around almost exactly or exactly around the same time that Sidney Powell and General Flynn were all suspended from Twitter, even Praying Medic. Even Attorney L. Lin Wood a day before was suspended on Twitter.
@LLinWood L. Lin Wood’s Twitter account censored and disappeared today – Jan 7-2021, Archived Tweets still exist — Any comments @SidneyPowell1 and @GenFlynn
I have seen my Ally Attorney L. Lin Wood who followed me on Twitter being Banned from Twitter, Censored, and disappeared. Even though L. Lin Wood was right about Vice President Mike Pence betraying U.S. President Donald John Trump. He has been censored. Along with U.S. President Donald J. Trump. They are all being thrown into the Digital Ghettos before we are are marched to the digital concentration camps.
Brian’s second mailing to Defense Secretary SUCCESSFULLY DELIVERED asking to ARREST FEDERAL JUDGES for HIGH TREASON!!!! ATTN: @GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood #DigitalSoldiers @tracybeanz
Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news has successfully mailed the U.S. Defense Secretary in a second secret mailing as he knew the first one would be intercepted as an ally of QAnon. This second mailing was received at the U.S. Pentagon, Brian is asking the Defense Secretary and the Digital Soldiers of General Flynn to take action to arrest these highly treasonous Federal Judges and other Judges who are completely committing a judicial coup d’etat against the United States Supreme Court. In regards to Article III of the U.S. Constitution, our Federal Courts are not the original interpreters of our Constitution but only the Supreme Court has that original authority. The Federal Courts and U.S. Appeal Courts were only created by statute due to the high burden of case loads across the country. That was to get rid of a potential high case load burden upon the only Constitutional Court of interpreting the laws of the law and how Government actions apply or are restricted under the Constitutional limits of authority.
@LLinWood L. Lin Wood’s Tweets makes it clear, it is HIGHLY LIKELY our Federal/State Judges and Politicians are being Blackmailed, Threatened; possibly with Child Rape and Murder!!!!!!
Note from Stanley Bolten Jan-7-2021-4:15PM: Lin Wood has been permanently destroy on Twitter: @LLinWood L. Lin Wood’s Twitter account censored and disappeared today – Jan 7-2021, Archived Tweets still exist — Any comments @SidneyPowell1 and @GenFlynn by Laurie Azgard Lin Wood had recently put out Tweets on Twitter, that reflect how seriously and thoroughly corrupt…
Mailing to U.S. Defense Secretary from Brian D. Hill [USWGO news] INTERCEPTED by Deep State SWAMP, Possibly CIA or NSA – ATTN: @GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood @tracybeanz #DigitalSoldiers #GenFlynn #SecDefense #Pentagon #ChrisMiller
The corruption of the U.S. Post Offices and the ability of the Deep State to blackmail U.S. Postal employees is very concerning. The letters asking for Pentagon involvement have been INTERCEPTED in transit. Brian D. Hill of formerly USWGO alternative news had written a letter to the U.S. Defense Secretary Chris Miller regarding his evidence of Federal Judicial Corruption, and asked for arresting these corrupt Federal Judges for corruption, HIGH TREASON.
Brian D. Hill of USWGO news files the Petition for Rehearing in the Fourth Circuit US Appeals Court in dismissal of his 2255 Writ of Habeas Corpus Appeal; citing Actual Innocence – Your opinions: @LLinWood @SidneyPowell1 ?
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news, files his petition for rehearing in the corrupt “Fourth Circuit” “U.S. Court of Appeals”, in their bid to wrongfully dismiss his writ of habeas corpus through his 2255 motion, again citing that actual innocence overcomes any procedural bars including the one-year statute of limitations. This petition was timely filed. The opinion of this corrupt panel of appellate judges proves that they have completely ignored the very issue and the merits of Brian’s “ACTUAL INNOCENCE” claim, and their case law only replies upon the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act [AEDPA] strict limitations law forbidding Brian from filing his writ of habeas corpus after one year from the final judgment of criminal conviction. However Brian filed in both his appeal brief and in his 2255 motion case that “actual innocence” is not subject to a one year time-bar. The “Fourth Circuit” judges have completely ignored Brian’s actual innocence and dismissed his appeal case by claiming it was procedurally dismissed as time barred.
Brian D. Hill of USWGO news files Petition for Rehearing in Virginia Supreme Court; again argues Actual Innocence as Exception to Default Procedural Denial – Your opinions: @LLinWood @SidneyPowell1 ?
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news who had filed his petition with the highest Court in Virginia, had his petition for appeal refused by the writ panel in the Virginia Supreme Court for his state writ of habeas corpus petition after making his oral argument on Dec. 1, 2020. One day before New Years Eve, Brian had filed a petition for rehearing saying the writ panel had erred because Brian was actually innocent of his state charge of indecent exposure, that he should not be procedurally barred from being given relief in his criminal case because he is actually innocent, since the Martinsville Police erred in arresting Brian without proving that Brian was fully medically cleared. Brian was not medically cleared as Sovah Hospital did not test Brian for drugs, alcohol, or even gases in his blood the night he was found nude by police at night. The lab work was simply never done and then Brian was quickly arrested by Police and they never even took the time to find the man wearing the hoodie who threatened Brian to get naked or his mother would be murdered.
Federal Judges have become Corrupted, as shown also in Electi0n Fr@ud Cases #DigitalSoldiers @GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood
Some interesting tweets have come out now about the widespread Federal Judicial Corruption. It has gotten so convincing in all of their lies, fraud, junk, and abuse against criminal defendants and civil litigants are being praised by people like Zach Vorhie with his message attacking Stanley Bolten’s secondary Twitter account @BenGate61221661, the former Google employee who claimed to have blown the whistle. Yes, Zach Vorhies, through Direct Messaging had criticized and ATTACKED our blog articles, and claiming that Laurie and I are being inflammatory against these nice little tyrannical Judges who have violated their oaths of office publicly in their actions and behavior.