Author: Stanley Bolten
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News has mailed off a letter to the Supreme Court, and the Brunson brothers in full support of their case at the Supreme Court (case no. 22-380). Their case is over the issue of election fraud and wanting government elected employees to be held accountable for dereliction of duty by not doing their jobs when evidence of election fraud or abnormalities surface. Yet these useless corrupt elected government employees are allowing elections to be rigged since 2020. Raland Brunson is right, and the Brunson brothers team is right. Elections are rigged, and voting machines can be rigged by being hacked and having vulnerabilities. Mike Lindell brought up about the rigged and hacked voting machines and got targeted because of what he said in 2021. Visit their website at Brunson Bros. drain the swamp ( and – Mike Lindell the MyPillow guy who is a Donald Trump supporter had only revealed the same issues with voting machines which the democrats spoke of years prior. It is NOT A CRIME to question an election, to ask questions, and to investigate election fraud. That is protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, to peacefully debate these issues and petition the Government for a redress of grievances including issues of election fraud.
Documents of Brian Hill mailing the Supreme Court and the Brunson brothers (Follow Brian’s example. Write them all too) and TEMPLATES of letter to mail to the justices (TIME IS RUNNING OUT, MAIL THEM ASAP or possibly with Express Mail if you feel so encouraged):
– USWGO_20221224_235613(OCR).pdf – Scan of envelope and what was mailed to Supreme Court
– USWGO_20221225_000211(OCR)2.pdf – Scan of envelope and what was mailed to Loy and Raland Brunson. Brian wanted to keep on record what he mailed so that he has the proof of what was mailed. Every legal mailing he keeps a detailed record of. He also wants other people to consider donating to the Brunson brothers because it is THE RIGHT THING TO DO.
– Proof-of-mailing-12-27-2022(2).pdf – Declaration and proof of mailing to both Brunson brothers and SCOTUS at the Post Office on December 27, 2022
– Letter in support of Raland Brunson case(final)(2).pdf – Letter mailed to SCOTUS and copy to Brunson brothers. In support of case no. 22-380.
– Template letter of writing support letter 22-380 Raland Loy Brunson case.docx – Template letter for you to download, edit in Microsoft Word, and produce and print your own letter to mail to the U.S. Supreme Court. (DOCX Microsoft Word file format)
– Template letter of writing support letter 22-380 Raland Loy Brunson case.odt – Template letter for you to download, edit in OpenOffice or any open source document editor (Word processing software), and produce and print your own letter to mail to the U.S. Supreme Court. (ODT OpenOffice OpenDocument file format)
The templates are created to give you a quick opportunity to type up your letter and send to the Supreme Court and to the Brunson brothers. You are free to add any more sentences and opinions to your letter if you wish. Please mail them a copy so that they know you had filed your letter in support of the Raland Brunson case.
Legal Disclaimer: We do not take any responsibility for what you write in your letter. We do not reserve any responsibility for what you write in your letter. Whatever you write in your letter to the Supreme Court is your liability and responsibility. So if you decide to say illegal things like threaten or make criminal remarks, we hold no responsibility as we do not advocate that. If you say anything bad or illegal, we do not advocate this. We will not have responsibility over what you say in your letter to SCOTUS. Please keep it civil, peaceful, and constitutionally protected under the First Amendment which is lawful. Making threats of harm or death is not protected under the first amendment. You have been warned in this disclaimer. We do not want any false flags or bad actors using this support letters process to shut down this website. Please keep it civil.
Mailing Address of:
Loy and Raland Brunson
4287 South Harrison Blvd.
Apt. #132
Ogden, UT 84403
Optional: I recommend that you donate $1 to them. They are not telling me to encourage donations to them. I am telling you that I recommend you help fund their legal battle against election fraud. All it takes is mail them a dollar. Maybe you wish to donate more, but that is your decision and yours alone.
The Brunson brothers needs all of your support. All it takes is two stamps of postage on two envelopes. If you have a electronic postage account at or any other USPS authorized electronic postage label service where you pay for postage, please write both the Supreme Court and the Brunson brothers. All it takes is the price of two postage stamps. Maybe a little less with the online postal services. The cost is not much and can resolve the issue of rigged elections. We do not need rigged elections as that is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. It is high treason, it is an act of war as they argued in the Certiorari brief, that it is an act of war against the people. Arguably, (not encouraging this) Once people lose the right to the voting box, they may head for the cartridge box for firearms which means possibly civil war or revolution by an angry group of Americans like during 1776. We do not want this. I do not want to see a civil war. We are at great risk of losing all of our Constitutional rights in the republic of the United States of America. By not stopping the election fraud and organized election cheating, this will likely head to nationwide gun confiscations which will trigger a need for a revolution or civil war. The reason why is for example: In Communist China where guns are already confiscated, any peaceful protesters are murdered (shot to death or abducted by a white van or black van) by the Chinese military, and others are disappeared with organ harvesting. If election fraud is not stopped which lead to total nationwide gun confiscations, that means once the guns are taken from law abiding Americans, we head for GOVERNMENT ORCHESTRATED GENOCIDE like Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia or Communist China; and DEMOCIDE which is organized murder and death caused by the Government. This means at some point years down the line we may head into either civil war or Government created GENOCIDE suppression campaigns against peaceful dissidents if we cannot stop the election fraud. SO FOR THESE REASONS, WE NEED TO KEEP PEACEFUL AND SUPPORT RALAND BRUNSON, SUPPORT RALAND BRUNSON CASE. We need Americans all over this great country to write the Supreme Court, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, telling the justices that they need to grant the petition for Writ of Certiorari for the Raland Brunson case, SO THAT WE CAN PEACEFULLY RESOLVE THE ISSUES OF ELECTION FRAUD WHICH CAN LEAD TO POSSIBLY A MILITARY DICTATORSHIP AND CIVIL WAR. WE DO NOT WANT THIS. We still can peacefully resolve this. We need to stop eating snacks and watching Netflix at least for the moment to do what is right. Do the right thing, NOW.
Even democrats admitted in 2017 that voting machines can be hacked and will be hacked during the 2020 elections “no matter what we do”. So CNN admitted in 2017 that the electronic voting machines can be hacked “no matter what we do” and yet they fell silent when Joe Biden stole the election. Democrats decried election fraud when Donald Trump was President in 2017 through January, 2021. Democrats decried election fraud or disenfranchisement during the Supreme Court case of Bush v. Gore as was outlined by democrat liberal documentary filmmaker Michael Moore in Fahrenheit 9/11. Decried election fraud and claimed that it would happen during the 2020 elections. After democrat Joe Biden was declared the winner, Democrats refused to admit election fraud as they previously claimed years ago, and kept clamping down on anybody who is republican or independent from decrying election fraud. So there is now a two-tiered election system where Democrats can cheat but will start witch-hunts against their opposition by claiming only the other side can rig an election and disenfranchise people. A one sided Government can be very dangerous to the Constitution.
CNNTech’s Laurie Segall said: “Do you believe right now we’re in a position
where the 2020 election will be hacked?”
Interviewed individual said: ANSWER: “Ah Without question, I mean the 2020
election will be hacked no matter what we do even if we’re as more successful
than I even think we could be in securing our elections…“
If Brian D. Hill of formerly USWGO Alternative News can send a letter in support of Raland Brunson, then you can send a letter too. The stakes are too great. We need to send millions of letters to the Supreme Court in support of Raland Brunson’s case. If democrats claimed in 2017 that election fraud can happen by hacking voting machines, and republicans claimed election fraud can happen by hacking voting machines, then Joe Biden is an illegitimate President. We need to resolve the issues of election fraud. We need to do it yesterday. It needs to be done post haste.

4 thoughts on “Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News files letter with Supreme Court in support of Raland Brunson case no. 22-380, please write the Supreme Court as soon as possible before January 6, 2023 when the Raland Brunson case is being discussed at CONFERENCE by Justices”