Being back-stabbed by supposed-patriots like Jarrin Jackson. In his chat a group chat user was reporting witness statements on child pornography set up attempts against her and this is probably orpossibly other patriots on Telegram. I assumed that it was a targeting campaign, what else could it be? All I did was try to investigate this and make articles on the new alleged FEDERAL DEEP STATE SWAMP child porn set up plots and schemes. Instead, I get stabbed in the back figuratively possibly by Jarrin Jackson and his chat group on Telegram. I got kicked out and booted from the group for simply posting an article about the set up attacks on patriots by the Deep State Swamp. I posted in his groups in the past but never got the boot. I even made regular chat messages with other people, so I don’t just post links, I am a real person. Maybe Jarrin Jackson is a FAKE PATRIOT. He is on notice about this article asking him for comment. He will be notified of this article about his group chat censoring me, Stanley Bolten. Wonder why I got booted from his group over this specific article but not over others in the past posted to his Telegram group??? This article: ALERT! WARNING! Alleged CHILD PORN SET UP ATTEMPT ON TELEGRAM USERS!!! Alleged by a Telegram user – EXCLUSIVE STORY – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News –
Tag: censorship
YouTube ramps up SHADOW BANNING and DISAPPEARING of 30K+ YouTube viewers of Brian D. Hill was tortured video; proof of FEDS conducting torture video may end up disappearing
YouTube is now actively ramping up the shadow ban campaign of disappearing tens of thousands of views each day if not within hours. The video under major attack and tens of thousands upon tens of thousands of disappearing viewers is the video titled: Proof that Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, was TORTURED into Falsely Pleading Guilty – YouTube. They do not want the facts and truth regarding Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, to come out to the light of day. They have fought super hard to threaten or manipulate or suggest to different alternative media people that they not cover Brian’s case. That’s another shadow banning and censorship tactic is threatening media heads not to cover Brian’s case. This was done to ActivistPost and Aaron Kesel said that hackers were purposefully attacking ActivistPost over an article about Brian D. Hill being framed with child porn and they told Aaron Kesel not to cover Brian’s federal case anymore. So there is an active WAR, WAR GOING ON AGAINST BRIAN D. HILL of USWGO ALTERNATIVE NEWS. WAR is being waged against us right now by the Deep State and this war had started long ago and continues. It’s not just tens of thousands of video views being erased by YouTube, people are being threatened or intimidated or hacked not to cover Brian’s federal criminal case. This is dangerous.
USWGO YouTube Video views Manipulated and Suppressed by YOUTUBE conducting Shadow Banning Operations; suppressing Brian D. Hill tortured and held hostage by Corrupt Federal Court Videos
It took a lot of days before this can be proven. YouTube is suppressing and shadow banning USWGO YouTube channel in a number of ways. They, referring to the corrupt the Deep State Swamp didn’t like how viral the videos were getting. Videos about (1) Proof that Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, was TORTURED into Falsely Pleading Guilty – YouTube, (2) Proof that Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, is INNOCENT, being HELD HOSTAGE by Corrupt Federal Court – YouTube. Usually YouTube viewer suppression, likes suppression, comment suppression, and even YouTube channel subscription/subscriber suppression is an attempt by Big Tech to suppress the viewpoints and perspectives that they don’t like because it doesn’t fit the narratives they want on their platform. They know that outright censorship could lead to the Streisand effect. So shadow banning is the next form of more sinister censorship. It was getting a lot of views, and it still is. It’s just how views can be dropped within thousands or video likes just start mysteriously drop to a lower number, that is when you know the slow and mysterious shadow ban operation is taking place. If it can be documented and proven by taking forensic screenshots at random times each day, it can prove the YouTube view count manipulation. BitChute did censor our videos but then a militia group calling themselves the “Rogue Nation Eternal Militia” uploaded one of those videos to BitChute and so far it has not been censored. So censorship does lead to other people reuploading videos back to a platform which conducted the censorship, it does not work in the long run. That is why pro-censorship controlled platforms use the more sneakier form of censorship known as shadow banning. They don’t delete or remove content, they leave it there but make it more difficult for the content to simply be viewed by different forms of rank manipulation and other forms of manipulation behind the scenes.
BitChute engages in CENSORSHIP Campaign of Peaceful Political Content; Purging Content they don’t like!
BitChute has now decided to engage in CENSORSHIP of Political Videos they don’t like. Videos that don’t break any laws and do not threaten anybody but simply inform people of Judicial Corruption and Political Corruption. So now BitChite has gone the route of censorship, a response was made in appealing their decision threatening them with exposure of their censorship if they don’t cease and desist their pointless censorship of the videos “Brian D Hill of “USWGO Warns Feds will Frame Up People with Child Porn – July 13, 2021”, and “Proof that Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, is INNOCENT, being HELD HOSTAGE by Corrupt Federal Court
StanleyBolten new Twitter account suspended along with @GenFlynn and @SidneyPowell1
The attacks against us have increased after revealing that Brian D. Hill of formerly USWGO alternative news had written Defense Secretary Chris Miller at the Pentagon in Washington, DC. Twitter suspended my account without warning and claimed I tried to sway the platform or some garbage. I was banned around almost exactly or exactly around the same time that Sidney Powell and General Flynn were all suspended from Twitter, even Praying Medic. Even Attorney L. Lin Wood a day before was suspended on Twitter.
@LLinWood L. Lin Wood’s Twitter account censored and disappeared today – Jan 7-2021, Archived Tweets still exist — Any comments @SidneyPowell1 and @GenFlynn
I have seen my Ally Attorney L. Lin Wood who followed me on Twitter being Banned from Twitter, Censored, and disappeared. Even though L. Lin Wood was right about Vice President Mike Pence betraying U.S. President Donald John Trump. He has been censored. Along with U.S. President Donald J. Trump. They are all being thrown into the Digital Ghettos before we are are marched to the digital concentration camps.
Infowars begins purging Millie Weaver videos from, Alex Jones a hypocrite for decrying censorship from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube
There you see, then you don’t, Infowars founder Alex Jones had kept his promise to start purging the Millie Weaver content from her old channel at, after a disagreement with Millie Weaver’s documentary film ShadowGate which had led to her being fired. Now Alex Jones is a hypocrite when he bashes Google, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, and Twitter for censoring Infowars content. Now Alex Jones has engaged in the very censorship that he decries by deleting content from his very own platform of A double standard where he decries liberals censoring conservative content when the liberals claim fake news but is okay with deleting and purging the content of journalist Millie Weaver who formerly worked for Infowars. That is as if all the years of news reporting she had done for Infowars doesn’t matter anymore. Even if Millie got down on her hands and knees and begged Alex Jones to stop, he cannot undo the damage he had already done, those video links will never come back, they are gone forever, down the memory hole. Alex Jones committed the ultimate hypocrisy worthy of being documented and exposed on the entire internet.
Alex Jones announces he will scrub Millie Weaver content from Anti-Censorship platform, contradicting himself; saying Bon Voyage Millie!
Alex Jones, a prominent alternative media activist who decried censorship of Infowars material on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube has now shown his true colors, and vows to delete all Millie Weaver content including her documentary Shadowgate on
ActivistPost website hacked in 2019, told reporter not to cover the Federal Court corruption involving Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
Author: Stanley Bolten, Note: I am sorry to Aaron Kesel and ActivistPost but I have decided to go public with this information. I cannot stand to see Brian D. Hill being thrown in Federal Prison over and over again under constant probation violations over his autistic behaviors and the Federal Prosecutor keeps making up more…
Is 8chan/8kun censoring posts asking Qanon about Deep State setting up people with child porn, like with Alex Jones, Luke Rudkowski, Brian Hill, Stewart Rhodes?
by Laurie Azgard A post was placed onto 8chan/8kun to simply ask Qanon a question that this person felt that Qanon needed to answer. The question was in regards to whether the deep state swamp and corrupt elements of the feds have been setting people up with child porn images. It has happened to Alex…