Author: Stanley Bolten I have received emails as well as Brian’s family that The Mig Big who is supposedly part of this Q movement or QAnon movement had deleted evidence emails from Stanley Bolten (myself) and had deleted evidence emails from Brian’s family with Lance Migliaccio aka The Big Mig. He deleted emails about the…
Tag: qanon
AGAIN, POPULAR TELEGRAM CHANNEL Joe M the storm is upon us boosts visits to article on the U.S. Supreme Court finally filing Brian’s filings regarding Attorney L. Lin Wood’s claims alleging a blackmail scheme of child rape and murder
For a second time, Joe M (the storm us upon us) on TELEGRAM has posted one of our articles about the ongoing battle in the U.S. Supreme Court in Brian D. Hill’s fight for a Special Master to review over alleged blackmail scheme videotapes as claimed by Attorney L. Lin Wood on Twitter. As of November 29, 2022, around 1 AM, the second posting has received over 4,600 views, 40 likes on the inner article, 18 likes on the Joe M post itself, as well as hearts a few other smileys. I am sure John Roberts did not want this to get as popular as it has. We will keep fighting until he recuses himself. Our goal is WE WANT ALL BLACKMAILED JUDGES AND JUSTICES OUT OF BRIAN HILL’S CASES NOW. Brian D. Hill can be acquitted once the corrupt blackmailed judges and justices are recused from any further involvement with Brian’s federal cases. We will keep fighting until Brian David Hill is acquitted. Brian David Hill = Innocence.
Truth Social posts: Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News being held hostage by PEDOPHILE RINGS of the Deep State Swamp, BEING HELD HOSTAGE #Q #QANON #QANONS #ANONS #TRUTH #WWG1WGA TO: @prayingmedic @techno_fog @elenochle
Author: Stanley Bolten Related articles: QAnon supporter Praying Medic @PrayingMedic was right: Justice John Roberts deserves Presumption of Innocence but so does ALL AMERICANS – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News – Note: People need to be careful assuming that Brian Hill is guilty. Arguably, even if you all want to just…
8Kun/8Chan mysteriously shuts down, their website cannot be accessed at this time, may be permanent; May be the purge and mop-up of QAnon content
Received word from a user, that 8Chan which had became 8Kun, it’s web server have been down and not operational without explanation as of yet. The Gab user said “Be advised. The board is down. QResearch is under attack.” and it could have been by DDoS attacks as was common with USWGO ALternative News, prior to Brian being framed with child porn his website at received traffic spikes which Brian assumed his web host didn’t like the traffic spikes and used that to suspend his website and demand more money, but later on Brian figured out that it was DDoS attacks that were meant to look like traffic spikes to his website. So QResearch was likely taken down by DDoS hacker attacks. 8Kun which was 8Chan was a chan board website where the infamous QAnon postings have been done for years while President Donald Trump was in office from 2017 to the end of his first term in January, 2021. 8Kun was where information/intelligence drops (some with code words and code language) by the so-called QAnon using the same tripcode and sometimes posts come in which may have been another tripcode but were also examined by the researchers and Anons who followed the political movement of QAnon. QAnon is not the name of the real group, but was a name or nickname that described such group, as Q level is a security clearance in the Intelligence services of the United States Military, and the “Anons” were there online to interact with the Q poster on there and each QAnon post with the letter “Q” was considered a Q Drop. That is pretty much what I believe describes this political movement, based on that. If I am slightly off on that, please advise via comments. Worldwide was QAnon supported, from Japan to Europe to Africa, so many people worldwide had followed QAnon and there were hundreds to thousands upon thousands of QAnon supporting tweets, this I had personally witnessed, even QAnon-Army QArmy Japan twitter accounts. Can’t show any of that to you because they were all purged from Twitter after the January 6, 2021 incident. May still be found via Wayback Machine somewhere.
Interesting Video Research: Alex Jones brags about EVERGREEN, Is MOS/CIA sending Code Words and declaring WAR on Police?????
Alex Jones brags about EVERGREEN, Is MOS/CIA sending Code Words and declaring WAR on Police?????
QAnon mentions EVERGREEN twice.
General Flynn brags about Alex Jones being a great patriot even though Alex Jones attacked QAnon like a dozen times already if not more. General Flynn has a spear pin and Alex Jones had claimed many times to be the “Tip of the Spear”.
If you try to research EVERGREEN Films, it is a closed production company that was located in California in “Suite Q”, yes “Ste Q”.
Brian D. Hill, formerly USWGO Alt. News asks Donald TRUMP for HELP, at his Mar-a-Lago resort at Palm Beach, Florida
Author: Stanley Bolten Brian D. Hill the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News is sending his 6th and 5th letters to real-President Donald J. Trump asking him for help for getting permanently ACQUITTED in Federal Court. Brian is asking that since he isn’t officially the President anymore, that Brian needs help with paying for…
Open letter to Lt. General Michael T. Flynn and #DigitalSoldiers – Dated November 1, 2020
Dear Lt. General Michael T. Flynn,
I humbly ask for the Digital Solders and your help in asking for protection of a potential witness of political corruption, judicial corruption, DOJ corruption, FBI corruption, and local municipalities corruption. Please protect former alternative news reporter Brian David Hill, also known as Brian D. Hill. He is formerly the alternative media journalist of USWGO alternative news. He had done a lot in fighting the deep state new world order tyranny and deserves a reprieve, he deserves protection not being constantly targeted and constant attacks at him by the corrupt judiciary.
QAnon hit with hardcore propaganda attacks, now accused of pedophilia operations; especially after frame up attempt #QAnon #WWG1WGA #Patriots
A news hit piece type propaganda was recently released and published online entitled “Hacker collective Anonymous reveals ‘QAnon’ controlled by “hardcore pedophiles” – The Internet Chronicle”. It is attempting to insinuate that QAnon is full of pedophiles at the top of the group, that of course comes out after a year ago when Alex Jones had also claimed QAnon may had been responsible for sending him child pornography files through an email address “”.
QAnon supporter Praying Medic @PrayingMedic was right: Justice John Roberts deserves Presumption of Innocence but so does ALL AMERICANS
Justice John Roberts is being accused of possibly being on the serial child molester Jeffrey Epstein flights on the Lolita Express due to a “John Roberts” name appearing two times on the flight log as well as “Bill Gates” Virginia Roberts, and “President William Jefferson Clinton” or Bill Clinton. However Praying Medic @prayingmedic a QAnon supporter is right in response to my last article. Justice John Roberts as well as ALL American citizens deserves the right to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt when accused of committing a crime. That constitutional due process right does not just apply to Supreme Court justices. It applies to all.
QAnon dates match death of Justice Ruth Ginsburg, USWGO news letter to Justice Thomas, John Roberts mentioned twice in Jeffrey Epstein flight logs
Information posted by QAnon shows a certain date-timeline. That timeline matches the exact end day that former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died right before it had happened. Also the letter that Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news had sent to Clarence Thomas was also sent around that timeline period and was probably being reviewed right on the start of the second date timeline period mentioned by QAnon on September 13, 2020. Also further research shows that Chief Justice John Roberts may have been compromised by serial child molester Jeffrey Epstein as an investigative report video on Twitter stated that one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States was getting onboard Jeffrey Epstein’s flights to likely be blackmailed as a pedophile with dark dirty skeletons in their closets. The flight logs filed in federal court of appeals records [which can be accessed on with the official digital federal court records] show Justice John Roberts name two times in the flight logs, assuming that it was for the Lolita Express. Sorry John Roberts, it appears that you are a blackmail-able puppet and this blog will have to expose this online. John Roberts has betrayed Donald Trump and had voted not in favor of Trump on some cases before the Supreme Court. Those decisions should be reversed via “petition for rehearing” or a “motion to reconsider” based upon the facts or evidence of blackmail of possible criminal activity of a Justice of the Supreme Court. Those decisions should be reviewed over once again in those past decisions. John Roberts even publicly went against the Second Amendment which is stabbing his oath of office in the back politically and refusing to enforce the Constitution as it was written for the American people. Another newspaper said he voted with the liberals, again. If he, John Roberts was being blackmailed by Jeffrey Epstein then that means Supreme Court Justice John Roberts may be a PEDOPHILE, and the pedophilia of being associated with Jeffrey Epstein would make John Roberts betray Donald Trump and not act on his own sound mind but based upon being a “puppet to a” puppeteer or “puppet master” which Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news also eluded to in his letter to Justice Clarence Thomas.